Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Let’s Talk Goals! by Sally Shupe

Can you believe it’s October already? This year has been a year for the books. Storm Sally came through our area and our temperatures dropped. It even frosted a couple of mornings. Since I love snow, of course this was bound to happen lol.

What goals did you set for this year? Start writing a book? Finish a book? Clean out a closet or give a room a makeover? Where do you stand in meeting your goals? Did you meet every one and you’re working ahead? Can’t remember what goals you set? Did your goals change as the year progressed? Wherever you stand, be thankful you’re standing! Setting goals, meeting goals, is not a competition. My goals won’t look like yours, and yours won’t look like mine. Goals are to help keep you on task. But the good thing about goals? They can be changed to meet your needs! Knocking those goals out? Set more. Life hit you hard? Dial back the goals to match. Sometimes just getting through the day is a win. That’s okay. Considering the year we’ve had, goals are made to be flexible.

Do you want to start a book, but can’t seem to find the time? While standing in line, or during commercials, or while on hold, jot down scenes, or snippets of dialogue. You’ve now started your book! Do you want to clean out a closet or room but are overwhelmed and don’t know where to start? Start with one box, or one bag, or one corner. Just start. Once you see yourself making progress, it will spur you on to continue. Before you know it, you’ll have a chapter written, or a corner of the closet cleared out. I dare you to try it!

Let’s share! What worked for you this year? Which goals did you meet? Which ones were easy to get marked off your list? Which ones did you struggle with? Why were they harder to meet? Did you get that room cleaned out? Or try a new recipe? Discover an exercise program that’s working for you? Share in the comments and let’s encourage one another.

I struggled with writing, but I entered two contests. I also revamped my blog and invited authors and others to guest post with author spotlights, book reviews, and devotion and writing-related posts. I also wrote a snippet for a new story that I’m excited about. I also tried a couple of new recipes that turned out fantastic and are now a permanent go-to meal. I look forward to reading your comments and cheering you on!

My goals won’t look like yours, and yours won’t look like mine. Click to tweet it!

Sally Shupe
lives in southwest Virginia with her husband, has two grown kids-a daughter still at home and a son not-so nearby, and a whole bunch of pets: four dogs, three cats, a rabbit, and birds at the birdfeeder (and the mandatory snowman when the snow cooperates). She is an aspiring Christian author of small town contemporary inspirational romance, with two completed manuscripts and several more in progress.

When Sally’s not writing or working full-time, she is a freelance editor for several authors who write fiction and nonfiction; students working on dissertation papers; a copy editor/content editor for several e-book publishing companies; performs beta reading for various authors; publishes book reviews; is a member of ACFW; and loves genealogy, running, and crocheting.

Sally publishes weekly blog posts that can be found through her website:, and she posts on the first Thursday of the month at