One of the hardest parts about writing is waiting: waiting for news about a contest entry, waiting for news from an agent or editor, waiting for that first release, waiting for ... Well, you get the picture. Jodie Wolfe is here today to give us some tips about what to do during all that time of "waiting." -- Sandy
Jodie: Hurry up and wait. My husband and I once joked that
this was the slogan of the Army. We were stationed in Germany at the time and
had a young baby, which meant a lot of check-ups those first months. We had 'scheduled'
appointment times, but it didn't mean we saw the doctor then. Often other
pressing needs or patients trumped when our son actually got seen. We learned
to be patient because we didn't have much choice.
What's a writer to do during a waiting
season...especially if it's a really long one? I've been on 'wait' mode since I
recommitted my writing to the Lord in 2009. I'd love to tell you I have a
contract waiting in the wings or am published or multi-published by now but so
far it hasn't happened.
I firmly believe waiting has a purpose. In this time
when the answer is 'not yet' God refines us and our talent. He knows the right
season for us to become published authors. Until then, we need to immerse
ourselves in Him and seek His direction.
You may be wondering what I've been doing in the
past six years. Here are some things I've found helpful along the way.
Keep writing. I've written at least four novels and
am starting on a fifth one. I also tried out for other various writing project
opportunities as they presented themselves.
Enter contests. While these can sometimes be a
double-edged sword, they also are helpful with improving our skills. It's how I
ended up landing an agent. :)
Attend conferences. Learn as much about the craft of
writing as possible and find ways to share it with others so you can encourage
someone else.
Work on building social media platforms.
I had been in a rut in this area until I attended a conference this summer
which gave some hands-on ideas. I decided to put them into practice. In less
than two months time I tripled my friends on Facebook - all because I tried
something new.

Keep seeking the Lord. I believe God has big things in
store for me and for you. Seek His face daily and ask for His direction for your
writing. Come to the point where He is more important than seeing your name in
Keep your eyes on the goal of following the call God
has placed on your life. Look for each step He leads you on, to reach the place
He wants you to be. He's rooting for you and so am I. God bless!
So what are you waiting for? Where are you in that writing stage, and have you found that the waiting ever ends, even if you're published?
got bitten by the writing bug as a young girl after reading and watching Little House on the Prairie. She loves
writing stories about feisty heroines and strong, godly heroes. The power of
story to influence lives and change hearts is what motivates her to weave tales
that tell of the Savior’s faithfulness and forgiveness. Jodie is a columnist
for Home School Enrichment magazine
and had a devotion featured on Christian Devotions. She achieved semi-finalist
status in the 2013 ACFW Genesis Contest and 3rd place in the 2015 Novel
Beginnings at St. David's Christian Writer's Conference. She's represented by
Linda S. Glaz of the Hartline Literary Agency.