I love to inspire writers to see their lives as a part of a much bigger story that God has for them by sharing Him with others. Yet it seems that these thoughts transcend writers—they are for anyone who wants to touch the lives of others with God’s truth and love.
Why is our desire to connect with others so important to our human experience, whether in person or through story? While there may be a few hermits and others who are anti-social, most of us long for human interaction.
We were, indeed, made for relationship.
We are created in His image, the God who longs to be in relationship—with us! Moreover, God wants us to speak into His creation, so He allows us to be a part of His work on this earth.
How cool is that? We don’t have to have a degree or a license or anything the world sees important. We don’t have to be articulate or even a great writer or some spiritual giant. He freely beacons us to be His partner in speaking His truth to whomever we meet!
He’s also planted a desire in us to share His truth, whether that’s as a writer, a friend, a parent—whatever! And even more than that, He wants to fulfill a very special purpose in our lives and in the lives of others.
When my children were small, it was such a joy to share the love of Jesus with them. Now as a writer, I get to share that same truth through my writing. In my novels as well as all of my writing, I include God’s truths in the story and my prayer is that it will touch people’s hearts just as if I were there, sharing those truths face-to-face.
He gave you gifts and talents to use, and He wants you to express them. And He has a unique ministry, audience, or group that only you can reach. He also wants you to deliver a specific message, and feel the joy of sharing life with others.
How can you connect with someone this week and share God’s love with him or her? I’d love to hear what happens. Go for it!
In my novels as well as all of my writing, I include God’s truths in the story... via @SusanGMathis #SeriouslyWrite #amwriting

Susan is also a published author of two premarital books with her husband, Dale, two children's picture books, stories in a dozen compilations, and hundreds of published articles. Susan makes her home in Colorado Springs, enjoys traveling globally with her wonderful husband, Dale, and relishes each time she gets to see or Skype with her four granddaughters.
For up-to-date information on these, connect with Susan here:
Lighthouse Publishing: https://shoplpc. com/devyns-dilemma
Website: www.SusanGMathis.com
Facebook: https://www. facebook.com/SusanGMathis
Twitter: https://twitter.com/@ SusanGMathis
Instagram: https://www. instagram.com/susangmathis
Pinterest: https://www. pinterest.com/susangmathisaut