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Laura Domino |
As we prepare for Easter, author Laura Domino points to the amazing power words can have in our writing and in our lives. Enjoy! ~ Dawn
Loving the Good in Good Friday
From the day God told me to write, it has been my desire to honor my Heavenly Father with my creativity. My life has been a journey toward Colossians 2:2, which I summarize as “My purpose is that they may know Christ.”
God has used words as tools from the beginning of creation. The way God uses words to create, bless, and heal is sometimes surprising to us. But we also change our surroundings with words.
We calm our children with soothing words. We ignite our baseball team with cheers. We relax at a party by using words to make others laugh.
If you were to ask me why we call Good Friday “good”, I would tell you what I’ve learned in my relationship with God.
In 1 John 4:8 and 16, we read that “God is love.” Love needs something to act upon. God needs us to receive his love because his love is big and ready to bubble over onto us. He wants to give to us. He wants to bless us and love us. The reason Jesus went to the cross was to connect us with this God who is love.
If you’re old enough, you probably remember the Jefferson Airplane song “Somebody to Love”. It’s a sad song about us needing love. But the fact that Jesus was able to go to the cross for us by looking beyond the cross to the joy ahead means that we don’t have to be sad anymore. God is our “somebody” to love.
The fifth chapter of Romans, verse six, spells it out for us. “You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly.” Our sin had to be overcome so Jesus could hold us up to his Father in Heaven in triumph.
Even while in horrifying pain on the cross, Jesus used his words to direct people. He invited a thief to be with him in paradise. He directed his disciple John to take care of Mary, Jesus’ mother. You and I use words to accept the invitation of God to be with him—both now and in Heaven.
As a writer, words are important to me. I call Good Friday “good” because that day changed everything. Without the dark ugliness of the cross, there is no victory.
My novels must show the darkness of sin in order to show our need for a Savior. I always have a happy ending in my fiction because as Christians, we have love waiting for us. The end of our days on Earth is not the end of our story. Those who trust in the blood of Jesus to wash away sin have a happy ending waiting as we close the chapter of our days on this planet.
So let’s use this Easter weekend as an opportunity to use our words to change the atmosphere around us. Let’s remember to speak love into our relationships. As we go through our Easter weekend, celebrating with our households and our connecting online with other family members and friends, let’s focus on looking for the God who is love.
And let’s ask God how he wants to use our words to bring his light into our dark world.
The way God uses words to create, bless, and heal is sometimes surprising to us. But we also change our surroundings with words. #seriouslywrite #encouragementforwriters via @lauradomino
I call Good Friday “good” because that day changed everything. Without the dark ugliness of the cross, there is no victory. #seriouslywrite #encouragementforwriters via @lauradomino
in the Morning
Anyone Can Be a Superhero in the Morning is a prayer journal in the 4 Steps to Living Like a Superhero series. After a quick, illustrative story in each chapter, readers find space to write their goal for the day and their prayer. Setting our minds on God’s guidance each morning helps us get closer to the success that he holds for us.
Anyone Can Be a Superhero in the Morning is a prayer journal in the 4 Steps to Living Like a Superhero series. After a quick, illustrative story in each chapter, readers find space to write their goal for the day and their prayer. Setting our minds on God’s guidance each morning helps us get closer to the success that he holds for us.
This prayer journal will be available as a paperback on Amazon.
Laura gives the eBook version to subscribers. Go to BookHip.com/KLXVDX for your free eBook.
Laura Domino writes Christian nonfiction that strengthens your character, your relationships, and your prayer life. She also writes Christian romance that demonstrates those principles in a fictional setting. The Fulton Ridge Christian romance series is set in Texas, where people fall in love and find a variety of ways to serve in their local community.
Website: LauraDomino.com
Twitter: @lauradomino
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LauraDominoNonfiction