Hey everyone, Annette here. Welcome to the second post in our New Commitments Series this Net's Notations Tuesdays.
You’ve heard this before BIC (behind in chair). The only way to get your writing accomplished is to sit down and do it. Wave at me if you know that’s true.
There are a million reasons we procrastinate. I procrastinate because: 1) I don’t know what to write next (SOTPers unite!), 2) I’m afraid it won’t be good enough, 3) I’m afraid it will be good enough, 4) I’m afraid of the unknown.
What stops you?
Now let’s talk about what motivates us. Deadlines motivate. Even if you don’t have a contract pushing you toward finishing that manuscript, you can still give yourself a deadline.
This month, lots of our writing pals are participating in the NaNoWriMo—National Novel Writing Month. The goal is prescribed for you: 50,000 words in one month. If you’ve participated, you probably know it’s a sizable challenge, but if you succeed it’s a fantastic tool, plus you’re surrounded by others with the same goal so you have support and accountability.
Same’s true of ACFW’s Novel Track: Writing. I’ve participated every quarter since its inception this year. The difference between this program and NaNoWriMo is that you set your own goal. There is accountability with the others on the e-loop. Daily, you click over to the website, enter your total words for the day and see where your words affect the group’s total. Together, we penned over 1.2 million words in October. Every time I participate, I’m pushed to accomplish my goal. Very motivating.
What motivates you?
Sometimes I’m motivated by the sheer need to write. It’s a feeling that rises up inside me—a desire to create deep characters who hook readers emotionally with their growth stories. Ideally, anyway. Little things in life inspire me. Then, I have to apply BIC. Sit down and start writing.
Meeting writing goals requires:
1) A new commitment to do just that.
2) Self-discipline (BIC no matter what).
3) Prioritizing.
I began a new job in August, but I didn’t let the fact that I now had a(nother) time consumer in my daily schedule keep me from writing. I can’t. Plus, we have McCrit to prep for (right ladies??), and Mondays roll around every single week. *grin*
So, commit afresh to getting those words onto the screen (or page) and don’t let excuses stop you. Set an atmosphere. Set a goal. Surround yourself with support and accountability. Enjoy! Write!