You know the feeling you get when you lose weight and then you want to lose more weight? Or, the more money you get, or the more bills you pay off, the more money you want, or the more bills you want to get paid? Or, the more miles you run, the more you want to run? (Oh, wait, is that one just me?) I’ve found the more you get, the more you want.
I’ve been trying to lose weight, like for a while now. I can’t find time to consistently run, what with cold weather, rain, snow, you name it. I don’t like running on a tread mill. I want to be outside, but there’s nowhere to run in my town. There are no sidewalks, school track, paved path, etc. However, I’ve been working consistently on watching what I eat. And you know what? I’ve lost a few pounds! Now, I want to lose more.
Consistency is key. No matter what you’re doing! If you run every day, it won’t be hard to get out there and run. Save money every day, it won’t be hard to save money. You’re working at it every day. Want to lose weight? Watch what you eat every day. Except those days you just have to have that tater skin and sour cream. (Oh, is that just me again?)
This is what I’ve discovered. A few add up. A few pounds add up to 10 pounds or more of weight loss. A few cents over time add up to dollars saved. A few miles add up to a 5K. A few words add up to paragraphs. See the connection? Lol. Most people can’t write a book in a day, just like you can’t jump off the couch and run a marathon. It takes dedication, consistency, building muscle.
You must dedicate time to write. If you don’t, anything and everything that comes around, will distract you and take you away from writing. If that load of laundry won’t stop calling your name, find a place outside of the home to write. (After you’ve made sure no one is held captive in the laundry. We want everyone to be safe!) Busy taking kids to practices? Use that time to write. Make meals ahead of time and use that cooking time to write. Get up a little early or stay up late and use that time to write.
You must be consistent in your writing. If you write on a schedule, whether that’s every day or a couple times a week or on weekends, you’ll find your writing time is more productive. You’ll remember where you left off in your story and won’t be spending a big junk of your time trying to figure out where you were, or rather where your characters were. Consistency will make writing become a habit. Every week plan ahead when you will write, and then stick to it. But give yourself grace when life happens and writing does get put on the back burner. Sometimes there are things that we must take care of.
Consistency and writing on a schedule build muscle. Just like running consistently builds muscle, so does writing. Writing consistently builds muscle to protect your writing time and increases your word output, so you have more to measure. When you lose weight, you add up how many pounds you’ve lost. When you save money, you count how much money you have. When you run miles, you add up how many you’ve run. When you write consistently and on a schedule, you will have a book to show for it! I dare you to try. Keep me posted on how you do. I’ll be cheering for you!
Sally Shupe lives in southwest Virginia with her husband, two grown kids, and a whole bunch of pets: five dogs, three cats, a rabbit, and birds at the birdfeeder (and the mandatory snowman when the snow cooperates). She writes contemporary Christian romance, with two completed manuscripts and others in progress. They are part of a series located in small town Virginia.
When Sally’s not writing or working full-time, she is a freelance editor for several authors who write fiction and nonfiction; students working on dissertation papers; a copy editor for Desert Breeze (now closed); a content editor for Prism (became part of Pelican); performs beta reading for various authors; publishes book reviews on her blog and with Valley Business FRONT’s monthly magazine; is a member of ACFW and ACFW Virginia; and loves genealogy, running, and crocheting.
Sally uses her love of words to write about God’s amazing love.