Last year at my local writer’s group meeting, a friend and
fellow member was upset. We’ll call her Jane. She’d signed with an agent, then been
dropped. Her book had been rejected several times and she wasn’t sure what to
do next.
Over several years, I’d traveled to a national conference
and roomed with her, as well as attended several writer’s meetings and retreats
with her. During the entire time I’ve known her, Jane has tried to get this one
book published. So as she poured out her heart and frustration at the meeting,
advice bubbled up in me.
I’ve known several Janes. Tirelessly and doggedly peddling
that one book that nobody wants right now. I was Jane. I pitched one book for
four years. Even though at the time, I’d completed five, I was stuck on the one
because it was the book of my heart.
Finally, I met Mary Connealy at ACFW. Once she got
published, she had books coming out faster than I could keep up with. She said
she kept writing books and pitching different ones because with each book, you
learn and improve. By the time Mary got a contract, she had dozens of books
ready to go. I wrote another, then another. And another.
Back to the meeting. I took Jane’s hand and gently suggested
she write another book. I told her about Mary, about the book I’d set aside,
and about learning and improving with each book you write. I shared that it’s
hard to let the book of your heart go so you can move on. But I assured Jane
that she didn’t have to give up on it. Just write more while waiting for a home
for that first book.
I cried. Jane cried. A few months later, she did the
devotion at our meeting about being a willing vessel for God. She gave us each
a small lump of play doh and told us to make a vessel. Then she told us how
sometimes you feel like you’re doing really well being a vessel, moldable and
pliable to God’s will when someone, like Shannon, comes along and crushes your
dreams. She brought her fist down smashing her play doh vase and looked at me.
“I’ve been waiting to do that for months.” Jane started laughing.
I did too, relieved that she wasn’t really mad at me. Then she went on to
share that sometimes when you think your dreams have been crushed, that’s when
you find new purpose. She thanked me for my advice and shared that she’d
started a new book and was loving it. And loving writing again.
Recently, a new opportunity opened up for the book of my
heart. Once the book I’m currently contracted for is finished, I plan to revise
that old book since I’ve learned much since then and see if it can find a home.
If it does, I’ll be ecstatic. If it doesn’t, I’ll write another book. And
another. And another. . .
I pitched one book for
four years...because it was the book of my heart. via @stvauthor #SeriouslyWrite #amwriting
Award winning author, Shannon Taylor Vannatter writes contemporary Christian cowboy
romance and has over a dozen published titles. A romance reader since her teens, she hopes to entertain Christian women and plant seeds in the non-believer’s heart as she demonstrates that love doesn’t conquer all—Jesus does.
She gleans fodder for her fiction in rural Arkansas where she spent her teenage summers working the concession stand with her rodeo announcing dad and married a Texan who morphed into a pastor. In her spare time, she loves hanging out with her husband and son, flea marketing, and doing craft projects.
Connect with her: Shannon’s
Website, Shannon’s Blog, Shannon’s Facebook, Shannon’s
Goodreads, Shannon’s
Pinterest, Shannon’s Twitter,
and Shannon’s
Amazon Author Page. Sign up for her Newsletter to
get a free e-book and behind the scenes info: Shannon's

He already lost her once…
Now he’s fighting for her—and their daughter.
When Rance Shepherd takes a job stocking cattle for a local rodeo, he’s shocked that his new client is his ex-sweetheart, Larae Collins. Now he’s determined to prove to the single mother that he isn’t the restless cowboy she remembers. But when he discovers her little girl is his, they both must forgive past mistakes for a second shot at a future together.
Get your copy:
(Available at Walmart
from mid-March until mid-June)
Blog Tour for Hill Country Redemption
Giveaway Details: Ten copies of Hill Country Redemption will be split among commentors on Shannon ’s blog tour. Winner’s will be revealed on Shannon’s Blog on April 13th.
Feb 23rd – Reading Is My Superpower Blog:
March 1st - Becky Van Vleet’s Blog:
March 17th – Shannon’s Blog:
March 20th -
April 7th – Jennifer Hereen’s Blog:
April 6th – June Foster’s Blog:
April 2nd – Joy Avery Melville’s Blog:
April 7th – Catherine Castle’s Blog:
April 9th - Laurie Wood’s Blog: