Friday, April 13, 2018

Entrusted: Why You Can’t Have My Journey by Mary Albers Felkins

Mary Albers  Felkins
No matter how successful we may become, there will always be someone who receives more or better contracts, more reviews, or perhaps more recognition in general. How do we—should we—handle it? Mary Albers Felkins shares words of wisdom. ~ Dawn

Entrusted: Why You Can’t Have My Journey

I’ve been at this writing adventure for over five years now (middle school years, scribbling stories in spiral notebooks notwithstanding). It began in the summer of 2012 with a pretty straightforward statement, delivered on the heels of an ominous conversation with my husband related to our wobbly financial status at the time. “I’m going to write a book.”

Okay, given the situation, most rational people might search for a job to help contribute, some source of ready income. Not me. How hard could this be? Self said.

Give it up for cheery ignorance.

Since that day I’ve learned plenty about plot structure, character development, tension, conflict. Weeding through the thickness of those things called sentences, I’ve sharpened my ability to edit where needed. Score!

But on a grander scale, I’ve learned the necessity of disregarding a particular, repeat offender word that seeps back into my hard-wired brain.

It’s, well—hushed whisper—the ‘c’ word.

You know. Comparison.

Gasp. She said it.

Yes, I did. Here’s why.

With reference to Himself, the Lord is not a fan of comparison.(“Is there any God besides me? No, there is no other Rock; I know not one.” Isaiah 44:8b; “I am the Lord, and there is no other; apart from me there is no God.” 45:5a) Unless… I’m making good use of comparison for the purpose of becoming stronger, of better character, to become more like Him on this writing journey.

Given the way He knit me in my mother’s womb to be unlike any other person, this walking, talking, thinking, breathing package called humanity can’t be duplicated. My quirks and pet peeves, metabolic rate, stature, eye, skin and hair color, my personality and (partly sunny) disposition are all reflections of an Almighty Creator God. And He is wholly pleased with His creation. (Psalm 139:13-14)

And so it is with the writing adventure He’s given me. And you. They are beyond compare. So when Sally Sue’s novel is contracted for a movie deal and mine isn’t…or I’ve knocked on editors/agents/publishers’ doors for several years and still haven’t been offered a contract…

What gives?

God is sovereign over the process. And the process itself is, in fact, His goal.

Given that encouraging truth, it’s helped me to remember the reason why I’m not to compare in destructive ways:

God has entrusted me with not only the story but with the journey it takes to get it into the hands of His intended readers. For His purposes.

Do I receive the challenge—with its highs and lows—as one entrusted with a precious and unique gift? Or do I flit my gaze away like an envious lover, wondering why Sally Sue seems to have found more success than, ahem, I have?

One sure fire way for me to insult the capital ‘A’ Author is to reject His unique plan and purpose. Because, just as my fingerprints don’t match up with any other individual, my writing experience is—and should be—different.

Basically, you can’t have my journey and I can’t have yours. Wherever today finds you, may you be encouraged as one entrusted with the gift of writing and celebrate the process.

Coming Soon!
Call To Love

Call To Love

Tracy Cassidy, a self-reliant ED nurse, must choose between her dream job or staying in her hometown to help support her mother's faltering ministry. Even if it means falling in love with the kind of man she said she'd never marry. Why risk being Laurelton's next cop widow?

Tom DeLaney, a hyper-vigilant cop and new hire from Texas, is wearied by failed rescue attempts to save his marriage. After he moves to the foothills of North Carolina, he didn't expectto fall for Tracy, but when his adolescent son is diagnosed with a chronic illness, he faces the risk of loving another woman with keep-out issues.

Fears related to the death of Tracy's cop father and Tom's inability to forgive the past threaten to sabotage any chance at love.

To trust again means surrender. Will they risk their hearts and answer the call to love?

Mary A. Felkins is originally from Houston, Texas. She moved to the foothills of North Carolina in 1997 with Bruce, her husband of 28 years. They have four semi-adult children in their quiver, Anthony, Alexandra, Jonathan and Caroline. She can be lured from her writing cave with a large, unopened bag of Peanut M&Ms or an episode of Fixer Upper. In addition to maintaining her weekly blog, Mary’s Musings, she writes contemporary romance, featuring relatable characters who discover transforming Truth that stirs the soul. She is represented by Cyle Young of The Hartline Agency. Call To Love, is her first novel, set in her hometown Hickory, N.C.

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