One of the things I love about writing is the “Aha!” moment.
I’m not talking about the moment in the story when your main character
discovers where he took the wrong path or determines his thinking is a lie. I’m
talking about that time when I, as the author, find I’ve inadvertently included
something in the manuscript that becomes the key to the story.

I recently completed a story that gave me fits. It did NOT
want to be written—at least not the way I intended to write it. I thought the
climax needed a certain action, and the heroine… Ugh! Don’t even get me started
on her rebellion.
After begging God for the answer to wrangling that puppy to
a completion, He pointed me to something I had included at the beginning. It
wasn’t much, just a simple term my hero used for his nephew’s bedroom. That
term became the motivation for a scene that led to a satisfying conclusion. It was not the ending I had envisioned. It was a simple
revelation that made all the difference in the world to my hero.
Isn’t that the way it usually is in our own lives? We don’t
always need something to explode in our faces to see where we’ve gone wrong.
Sometimes, we only need a word (or advice) inserted at the right time and in
the right context.
You can call the insertion of these gems "luck" all you want. I call it God writing His will through me.
You can call the insertion of these gems "luck" all you want. I call it God writing His will through me.
What about you? What was your last "Aha!" moment in your writing (or life)? Share your experience.
Sandy writes inspirational
historical romances with stalwart heroes who melt the hearts of her spirited heroines.
Her goal is to entertain the reader with a gripping story while revealing the
depth of God’s love and forgiveness. As well as being the Wednesday hostess on the Seriously Write blog, she blogs at You’ll also find her on Facebook,
Google+, Goodreads, and Pinterest. Sandy is the married mother of a
young adult. She enjoys reading, country music, and gardening in her rocky,
North Carolina soil.