Hey everyone, Annette here. Let's dig into another Net's Notations Tuesday with a focus on what we're focusing on.
Don’tcha love how a new year brings with it a built-in hope? At the beginning of the year, we set new goals and even have some success sticking with our resolutions. Right? (Just a little accountability there. *grin*)
All these changes for the better make for a new outlook. From this new vantage point, you could dare to dream that this is your year! That the things you’ve been waiting to see happen will begin to happen. It’s a faith boost, isn’t it?
I’ve got some projects simmering, and I’m trying to apply this new outlook philosophy to them. Great atmosphere for hope and expectation. Of course, that doesn’t take me off the hook from learning all I can. Taking advantage of the resources I already have.
Are you focusing on the tough stuff of last year? Well, with the rollover of calendar comes built-in permission to focus on the blessings ahead. God rewards us as we serve Him.
Are you focused on the latest bad news? That doesn't motivate me, how about you? *wink*
So, what are you focused on? Clear the path, blow the clouds of doubt and rejection away, and see what God wants you to see this year.
Here's a little advice this year as we dive in together:
Dream big!
Pray often!
Learn always!
Trust God!
Let’s let our new outlook influence our energy levels and our tenacity this new year. Ready. Set. Write!