Hey everyone, Annette here. Happy New Year! Welcome to the New Year New Groove series.
Have you set your 2011 goals yet?
Each New Year offers us a mental restart, doesn’t it? We give ourselves permission to make changes, to start fresh. We get motivated to make lists, set goals, commit to resolutions. But none of that will help us if we don’t follow through.
What helps you follow through? I get a charge out of crossing things off my list. How about you?
We writers have to be (or become) self-starters. Set goals and strive to meet them. Then set new ones. ACFW’s Novel Track: Writing is great for this. (A new writing challenge began this month. Learn more at ACFW.com)
A new year is a great time to change things up. Maybe rework your schedule, try something new. If you used to write only after work when you’re tired and brain fried, perhaps try writing first thing in the morning before work.
If you’re used to not finding any time to write, try giving yourself fifteen minutes here and there. You’ll be amazed at how much you can do when you give yourself permission to do it.
There’s a great reward in setting new goals and meeting them. A delicious and satisfying sense of accomplishment!
So, find what works for you in productivity and do it. No excuses. It’s a New Year, a new beginning. Roll up your sleeves and get to it.
Happy writing in the New Year!