The Treasured Voice
What kind of a personality do you have?
What is your primary love language?
What area of the country are you from?
How were you raised?
Who raised you?
What kind of education do you have?
What faith choices have you made?
Are you a night owl, early bird, or somewhere in between?
What hardships, addictions, hurts have you lived through?
We see the world and our place in it through the answers to questions like these. These filters determine understanding, response, and decisions.
There are millions of things that have gone into the people we are today. Even if someone were to mirror our life exactly, genetics come into play. How we see the world is a unique blend of nuances impossible to recreate.
As a writer, we have the opportunity to use the voice God gave us on the written page to create an intimate bond with readers. Intimacy created because of the private invitation to leap off the page and enter their mind. One-on-one communication under the surface.
Each experience we've lived through becomes a gem of wisdom to fill our special treasure chest. Rather than bury treasure, as Christians, we share it. Only to discover our treasure multiplies in Christ exponentially.
Gems are cut into various sizes and shapes. Some for jewelry, some for museum display, and even some for the practical use of sandblasting. Each rock has its own varying design and purpose.
It's the same with us. The Lord sees our full value and purchases us with his son. He sees the potential and the right cut for our purpose, the purpose he designed for us. We each have multi-faceted nuances that make who we are, what we do in this life, and how we voice it to the world remarkable.
We're on a treasure hunt. The intent is to uncover the gems of wisdom God has given us to enrich the lives of others.
May your treasure sparkle!
Angela Breidenbach is Mrs. Montana International 2009 working with Hope’s Promise Orphan Ministries, the American Heart Association, the Jadyn Fred Foundation and drawing awareness to Fair Trade practices. Angela’s calling is as a purposeful life coach and educator. She’s also certified in mentor/peer counseling as a Stephen Minister and Assisting Minister. She serves as the American Christian Fiction Writer's Publicity Officer and is a multi-award winning inspirational author and speaker. Not only did she walk the hard line of deciding to donate her mom's brain, but she is also on the brain donation list at the Brain Bank-Harvard McLean Hospital. She is married, has a combined family of six grown children, one grandson.
Purposeful Living Educator & Coach
Helping people battle inner pirates and uncover gems of wisdom to live a rich life.
Come uncover your gems of wisdom at http://www.mygemofwisdom.com/
Personal growth = Powerful living!
You can interact or learn more about Angela Breidenbach at these sites:
http://writingbyfaith.blogspot.com/ on Wednesdays each week