The Lord gives strength to his people;
the Lord blesses his people with peace. (Psalm 29.11 NIV)
Annette and I are getting ready to fly to Denver next week for the ACFW (American Christian Fiction Writers) conference. This will be my fifth conference with this wonderful organization.
The first year I attended, the only person I knew was a critique partner made via email. Since then, it’s felt more and more like home week. Every year there are more friends to connect with, and more people I’m looking forward to meeting face to face.
Attending a conference can be a daunting experience, especially if you don’t know anyone. Not all—but many—writers tend to be a bit on the introverted side. So it’s not easy for us to walk up to someone and introduce ourselves.
Some years I’ve pitched a novel—other years I haven’t. It can be scary sitting across the table from an editor or agent, not knowing if they’ll love your idea or politely decline. God has provided the strength needed for me to talk about my stories with heavy hitters in the industry. And He’s given me peace when things didn’t turn out the way I hoped.
The realization has come that it’s not just about getting my work noticed and getting published. Sometimes it’s more about the journey.
Over the years I’ve met incredible people and made life-long friends. I’m working at something that I have a true passion for, regardless of the level of success I achieve. I have peace that I’m doing what I’m called to do. How many people can really say they have that in their lives?
God desires to provide the strength needed to approach people at a conference and become vulnerable. He’s willing to give us the strength needed to email a proposal—or snail mail a manuscript to an editor—and risk disappointment. And He’s there to provide peace, assuring us that His timing and His will for our writing will come to pass.
May the Lord bless and keep you.
May His face shine upon you and give you peace . . .
And if you see either me or Annette at conference, please say “hi!”