I’m so thrilled to visit with you today. I appreciate Dawn inviting me. I hope I can be an encouragement, especially for writers still trying to make that dreamed-of first sale.
Soon after my first book, Her Unlikely Family, came out in February 2008, two thoughts occurred to me:
--I started writing when my middle child was nursing—holding him in one arm while typing with the other hand. When the book came out, he was 13.
--And when I used to need writing time, I would bribe my three children by telling them if they would let Mommy write, then I would use my first advance money to buy them a swing set. Hmmm. By the time that book came out, my oldest was about to graduate from high school, and my youngest was 11.
Obviously, the journey took much longer than expected. :-)
When I started on the road to publication, I never, ever, would have imagined waiting so long. Whether published or not, this business isn’t for the faint of heart. And it isn’t for those who give up easily. We need to trust God and put the journey in His hands.
And you know what? I’ve realized that taking so long to publish wasn’t such a bad thing after all. For one, I believe it happened in God’s perfect timing—at a time when I was finally ready. But, also, by the time I sold, my children were old enough to really enjoy the thrill with me. When that wonderful first box of books arrived, after everyone cheered, my 13-year-old, a reader like me, grabbed one out of the box and took off to his room to devour it. He also grabbed one for his lit teacher. My oldest took one to church to show it off. And my youngest picked up my Alpha-smart to continue writing her own story. Then when the book released, our whole family made a trip to Wal-Mart to see it on the shelf and to snap photos. :-)
All well worth the wait!
Missy Tippens is a pastor’s wife and mom of three. She has a story included in Blessings of Mossy Creek, published by BelleBooks. After ten years of pursuing her dream, she made her first sale of a full-length novel to Steeple Hill Love Inspired. She still pinches herself to see if it really happened! His Forever Love was a June 2009 release and will be followed by A Forever Christmas in November 2009. And that debut novel, Her Unlikely Family? It’s a 2009 ACFW Book of the Year finalist!
You can find Missy at www.missytippens.com. And she blogs all over the place: www.lifewithmissy.blogspot.com, www.seekerville.blogspot.com, www.writingbyfaith.blogspot.com, and www.craftieladiesofromance.blogspot.com.
She’s also on Facebook, MySpace and Shoutlife, so be sure to give her a holler!