When you're around Lena, you can't help but feel lifted up and encouraged. She always has a kind word and hug for everyone. Lena is known not only for her books, but also her heart for mentoring other writers.
Your Comfort Zone
The place where you are now is a comfort zone. When He asks you to step out in faith to a place that seems beyond your skills or beyond your reach, there is always a reason.
God makes comfort zones. They have a place in our lives. In the comfort zone, God renews us and heals our hurts. We learn to trust in the comfort zone.
However, when we stay in a comfort zone too long, it becomes a rut. When God has renewed and strengthened and healed us, He is ready for us to step out. Most new growth doesn’t take place in the comfort zone. Only when we listen to His voice and test our new trust can we truly grow and move toward the place God wants us to be.
At one time, that comfort zone wasn’t comfortable. It took a step of faith to reach it in the beginning.
As God uses that safe place, then it becomes a comfort zone. Remember wherever God asks you to go will be a safe place of growth. He won’t ask you to go anywhere that will destroy you. He only wants to strengthen you.
That scary place He’s calling you to will one day become a comfort zone to launch you into even greater places of ministry.
God makes comfort zones. They have a place in our lives. In the comfort zone, God renews us and heals our hurts. We learn to trust in the comfort zone.
However, when we stay in a comfort zone too long, it becomes a rut. When God has renewed and strengthened and healed us, He is ready for us to step out. Most new growth doesn’t take place in the comfort zone. Only when we listen to His voice and test our new trust can we truly grow and move toward the place God wants us to be.
At one time, that comfort zone wasn’t comfortable. It took a step of faith to reach it in the beginning.
As God uses that safe place, then it becomes a comfort zone. Remember wherever God asks you to go will be a safe place of growth. He won’t ask you to go anywhere that will destroy you. He only wants to strengthen you.
That scary place He’s calling you to will one day become a comfort zone to launch you into even greater places of ministry.
Lena Nelson Dooley is a multi-published, award-winning author, who really enjoys encouraging other authors along the way. She is currently writing a novel for Summerside Press - Love Finds You in Golden, New Mexico. She and her husband live in Texas, where they're active in church. They love to travel, go to movies, spend time friends and family, and just be together. They will soon celebrate 45 years together.
Please visit Lena’s Web sites and blogs.
http://lenanelsondooleynewsletter.blogspot.com/ - Monthly free book
http://lenanelsondooley.blogspot.com/ - Author interviews/Free books
http://www.bustlesandspurs.com/ - Regular Blogger