Love Finds You in Snowball, Arkansas allowed me to push through into the inspirational market at last, after years of hoping and trying. I’d published in the YA market with a Christian publisher, but I really wanted to write women’s fiction, so Summerside’s request for me to write something funny to launch their Love Finds You line was such a blessing. There are few things I enjoy more in life than laughing … and I laughed my way through the whole writing process!
I got a lot of reader mail about that book, and I was so touched by the myriad ways that they identified with the characters. I heard from young readers about how Lucy was so cool and funny; then moms would write to me about how they passed the book on to their daughters, and the laughter they shared brought them closer together; and an 86-year-old reader pecked out a 3-line note about how she’d never sent an e-mail before, but she felt compelled to tell me what a fun read it had been. By the time it was nominated for its first readers’ choice award, I was already fully aware that Snowball was something very special.
So now, less than a year after its release, hindsight being so very 20/20, I can excitedly flex

As many of you know because of the association between the devotional I co-authored (Be Still … and Let Your Nail Polish Dry with Debby Mayne, Loree Lough and Andrea Boeshaar) and the Ovarian Cancer Research Fund, I am a survivor of ovarian cancer. During that battle, the Lord continued to bring Jeremiah 29:11 into my heart.
“I have a plan for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”
Five years later, as I look back on that beautiful scripture brought to me in the midst of a time when an actual future was a difficult reality for me to grasp, I often wonder if part of that plan was to snowball the writing career I’d been dreaming about for such a large portion of my life. So I encourage you this day, dear writer buds. You never know what’s around the next corner!
Award-winning author Sandra D. Bricker wrote screenplays and also published articles, fiction and non-fiction for kids, and sweet romance for secular readers before making her mark with laugh-out-loud romantic comedy for the inspirational market in 2008. A frequent speaker on the subjects of writing and promotion, Bricker now makes her home in Tampa, Florida. Visit her blog here.