God Just Waits to Bless Us
Yet the LORD longs to be gracious to you; he rises to show you compassion. For the LORD is a God of justice. Blessed are all who wait for him! (Isaiah 30:18)
And if He called us to write, He’ll bless that, too.
Being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus. (Philippians 1:6 NIV)
I heard a woman speak of a great book on characters. It was out of print, but she had checked it out of the library and it was so good, she kept it and paid for it. (Not recommending that, especially for God’s blessing.) Next day, I shopped at a produce stand that also sold used books. And there was the book. Hardback, for 50c. Later, I did see it advertised in paperback for more. It was God’s timing that really touched me.
At an air show, I remarked to a stranger that I wished my kids and I could sit in the V.I.P. section as I had as a child, the daughter of a Navy pilot, so they could see better. Now this show typically attracts several million people over three days. And of all those people, this woman happened to be the mom of Blue Angel pilot Pat Walsh. He was retiring and it was his last air show. She had passes to the VIP section and gave us one. Amazed, we went in but all the seats were taken. So we easily slipped down front and sat on the tarmac. Elsewhere, the crowd was probably twenty deep, pretty hard to slip through. When the show started, everyone stood. We couldn’t have seen from the seats, either.
But here we were. The kids were thrilled. And since an air show is part of my WIP, it was a great time for me to review the events.
There are many other examples of God’s sweetness in my life. I’m sure we all have them.
I’ve found that one way to really see God’s blessings, presence, power, and answered prayer is obedience. Jesus promises,
Whoever has my commands and obeys them, he is the one who loves me. He who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I too will love him and show myself to him. (John 14:21 NIV)
Well, I’m not the most obedient person in the world. But I’m trying. Sometimes, He must think, Very trying. But like the song says, He’s still working on me. In His goodness, He is blessing me. And He is so much fun.
To read more from Margo, please visit Margo’s Moments.
Margo Carmichael has been a member of American Christian Fiction Writers and/or Romance Writers of America and Sisters in Crime since 1993. She’s writing a woman-in-jeopardy set in New Orleans, Pensacola, and Israel about a bride who sees her husband crash in his training jet. Blaming herself, she delves into the occult. A Jewish believer leads her out again and back to God. She enjoys marriage (not housekeeping), two children and five grandchildren and all their dogs and cats, loves to travel, and has visited all these settings she loves. She has also taught art, Spanish and Bible, and sings in a church choir that’s awesome in spite her.