Have you asked the question, “Where do I start?”
I did and found answers through The Christian PEN.
The Christian PEN is a professional support organization for Christians who perform proofreading, editing, critiquing, and similar services for writers and publishers (and those who are interested in doing so). It was created for networking among editors and proofreaders, whether they work part time or full time, freelance or employed. Members share helpful tips, information, and updates on various topics related to editing and proofreading. They’re dedicated to the spirit of cooperative competition.
Writers and publishers looking for freelance proofreaders and copyeditors can find assistance in finding the right match for their needs.
Many of the organization’s members are writers themselves with published works.
Online classes offer valuable information in getting started and being successful as a freelance proofreader or editor. A few of the topics include: Establishing Your Freelance Business, Copyediting and Proofreading for Clients, Editing Fiction, Marketing Your Services, Ghost Writing and Collaborating, and Mentoring Writers.
To find out more, please visit The Christian PEN.