6:15-16 “So the wall was completed on the twenty-fifth of the month Elul, in fifty-two days. When all our enemies heard of it, and all the nations surrounding us saw it, they lost their confidence; for they recognized that this work had been accomplished with the help of our God”.
In an amazing span of fifty-two days and in the midst of one attack after another, along with wave, after wave of trials, including a famine, the walls around God’s holy city were completed. Not only did Nehemiah and the Israelites finish the work in record time, the day they completed the work was on the 25th of Elul, which “happened” to be the Day of Atonement, otherwise known as Rash Hashanah.
To me, writing has often been a solitary part of my life. A time that I get into my own head and get lost in the story. I have found, as I am sure most of us have, that life today has made everyday tasks a challenge, let alone a project such as a romance.
As I write this, we are in the midst of a global pandemic, plus, the American people are embroiled in an unrest that I have never seen in my lifetime. An unjust murder sparked peaceful protests, which intensified the situation and exposed racial division across our land like never before.
My spirit grieves along with the family of the lost, as well as with those whose businesses were destroyed. I wonder if we as a nation will ever recover. Instead of sitting at my desk to tackle my work in progress, I wept for days, and days, and have travailed in prayer. I’ve cried out to God for His hand to cover this nation and to heal our land.
I have been studying in the book of Nehemiah for almost a year now, and as I reviewed this passage, I was drawn to the fact that in a very short period of time, God’s people, from all walks of life, regardless of skill stepped in to do the work. Farmers, priests, goldsmiths, blacksmiths, and soldiers fortified the holy city, and build the walls of security around their homes. People from neighboring cities joined in the build. In less than two months’ time, and on the Day of Atonement, their work was completed.
Also, during this unprecedented time, I’ve had friends whose books have launched. What a time for a book to release. What do friends do but come together and find a way to help get the word out any way we can.
It has been through community that I have seen the body of Christ work in practical ways. #SeriouslyWrite @PattyNicholas2 #amwriting

We also, as the church need to use this time to rise up and seek God’s help to build the spiritual walls around this country. Imagine what we could accomplish if we each took a “section” and committed to prayer.
Philippians 4:13 “I can do all things through Him who strengthens me” (NASB).
What can we learn from Nehemiah? God’s timing was perfect.
- Not only did they finish in record time, they also finished on the holiest day of the year.
- Even if a book is scheduled to launch during this time, trust God’s timing.
- He just may have awesome things planned that couldn’t have happened during “normal” times.
The situation may seem hopeless, but just as in the days of Nehemiah, there is power in working together with other believers and other writers. We love you and will do what we can to help. Even when we do come together, it is God’s hand, along with our obedience, when impossible things are accomplished.

Multi award winning writer. Patty Nicholas-Boyte writes Contemporary Romance, Romantic Suspense, Bible Studies, Devotions and Blogs. Patty lives with her Husband Brian in the mountains of North Carolina. She is a busy event planner for the Billy Graham Training Center at the Cove. She is a member of the Blue Ridge Writers Group and a member of the Suspense Squad a group of romantic suspense writersShe is a mother of two grown daughters and grandmother of three. She is a regular contributor to the Billy Graham Training Center Cove Blog.
Devotionals are in compilations by Lighthouse Bible Studies.
Devotionals are in compilations by Lighthouse Bible Studies.