Why am I doing all this?
It’s not the money. Most writers make less than $10,000, lots of them make less than $5000. When we were doing our taxes this year, I realized I was spending more on conferences, software and books than I made. Even in my best year, I only made just under that $10,000 mark. One time, a friend of mine figured out that for every word she wrote, she made a half of a penny. Most royalty statements go by without a check attached to it and if there is one, it may be enough to buy a sweet tea at McDonalds.
It’s not the fame. Do you have a clue how many books, both tradition and indie published are listed on Amazon? Hundreds of thousands, millions, and they’re all shooting for the top dog position, that number one slot. And then once you get there, there’s someone else just like you, trying to grab the brass ring from you.
Why am I still writing?
I could quit right now and be proud of the career I’ve had. Many people never see their book on the shelves of the local Barnes and Noble, and yet it’s happened fifteen times for me. I’ve been indie-published many times over, and have fans as far away as India (Cool, right?)
So why do I keep writing?
Because I can’t imagine a day without it. Because I find great joy in the creative process of discovering characters. Because my fingers itch to write each and every day. And if I’m really honest with myself—I didn’t start down this path to get money and fame (though these things are nice.) I write because I heard God’s still, small voice calling me to write. Sometimes, I lose my focus and all my failures come back to haunt me, but then I look up. I come across a verse that speaks to my situation. I get encouragement from an unexpected source. God has called me to write, and until He tells me to stop, I’ll continue writing my little stories.
Why do I write? I write for Him.
I almost quit writing last Wednesday. via @pattywrites #SeriouslyWrite
Patty Smith Hall lives in North Georgia with her husband of 36+ years, Danny. Her passion is to write tender romances based in little-known historical moments. The winner of the 2008 ACFW Genesis award in historical romance, she is published with Love Inspired Historical, Barbour and Winged Publishing, and is a contributor to the Seriously Writing blog as well as Journey magazine. Patty is represented by Tamela Hancock Murray of the Steve Laube Agency.
Hearts in Flight

Wesley can see that Maggie's a first-class pilot. She's also too fearless by half. The war has cost Wesley so much already. Can he let go of his guilt for a chance at happiness—and can he learn to trust in God…and Maggie…enough to believe in love for a lifetime?