Thursday, December 12, 2019

The Perfect Present by Patti Jo Moore

Merry Christmas, my friends! Many of us are amazed at how quickly this year has flown, and now we find ourselves in the Christmas season again. You’re likely being bombarded with all the ads vying for your attention—many of those ads claiming they have “the perfect present” for someone on your shopping list.

With all the talk of shopping and presents, I was recently reflecting (aka procrastinating) 😉 and mused how the word PRESENT (as in gift) might relate to a writer at this time of year. So I jotted a list that I wanted to share with you, using each letter of the word PRESENT to relate to a writer.

P - Pray – this is what I try to do before beginning my writing—especially if I’m starting a new project or adding a scene to a story. Beginning that time in prayer keeps me focused on WHO my work is for.

R - Read – I know we’ve all heard that to be a good writer, you need to read. So true! Not just reading in our preferred genre, but in other genres as well.

E - Encourage – Think of how you’ve benefitted from someone else’s encouraging words, and try to be an encouragement to someone. As that oft-used phrase tells us, pay it forward. 😊 A simple word of encouragement (or a good book review!) might be exactly what someone needs that day.

S - Share – Do you know of someone who needs help during the Christmas season? Maybe you could share your talents with them. Gifts and food, lending a helping hand, and sharing the gift of your time might be priceless to another person (especially someone lonely or grieving). Sharing books is always nice, too!

E - Enjoy – Please don’t miss the beauty of this Christmas season, wherever you live. Whether you’re surrounded by a gorgeous, snowy scene, palm trees and a beach, or city buildings, there is beauty. Don’t miss the twinkling lights, the beautiful music, and the excited wonder on a child’s face. Who knows? Some of those details might find their way into one of your stories.

N - Naps – Okay, maybe you’re not in the habit of taking naps, but my point is we need to take care of our health during this busy season. No matter how long your To-Do list is or if you’re racing to make a writing deadline, please don’t neglect your health!

T - Thankful – Most important of all, may we be thankful for the Perfect Present sent to us by God, on that very first Christmas so many, many years ago. May we have thankful hearts that He loves us unconditionally, and gave His life for each of us. May we also be thankful for this writing journey we’re on! Have a very blessed Christmas!

For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord. Luke 2:11

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Sadie's Dream

In a coastal Georgia town in 1900, a young woman prepares to serve as a missionary in Africa.

After being jilted the previous year, she's certain she's meant to remain single.

When she meets a handsome businessman from Savannah, she begins struggling with doubts.

Over time she learns that the Lord's plans are best, and dreams really can come true.

Patti Jo Moore is a retired kindergarten teacher and lifelong Georgia girl. She loves Jesus, her family, cats, and coffee, and is blessed to be published with Forget-Me-Not Romances. When she’s not spending time with her family (including her sweet grandbaby) or writing her “Sweet, Southern Stories” Patti Jo can be found feeding cats—her own six and local strays.

She loves connecting with readers and other writers, and can be found on Facebook at Author Patti Jo Moore or her personal blog at