Monday, December 23, 2019

Catch the Eye of Your Reader

You have written a blog post, article, devotion, etc. Now, a great photo is needed to catch the eye of the reader and keep the interest going. How do you choose your photos?
There are various sites where a photo can be chosen and uploaded to the computer at no charge. Some of these sites are awesome.

I have used those photographs in the past and probably will use some again. Right now, I have decided to take photos with my phone and use those. My own personal photos. No worry about using a photo that is not authorized.

I must admit. My photos are not always the best. A learning process in photography is a new hobby for me. The occasional blurry photo, the wrong lighting or a plain boring picture can be found on my phone and computer. Yet, I will keep trying.

Think about blogs and articles you read online or in print. Is there always a photograph? Does the photo catch your eye? Are there bright colors or an image that touches your heart? Have you noticed if the photograph has anything to do with the message of the writer?

This time of year, I see many images of Nativity scenes, mangers, stars, the night sky and various drawings of Jesus. I am pausing to wonder how the author chose the photo.

A photo can draw a reader to your message. A photo can also cause a reader to turn away or put aside the message and move on to another one.

A photo can draw a reader to your message. #seriouslywrite @mimionlife

How do you choose photos? Do you take photographs with your phone or camera? Share ideas and notice the photos in blog posts and articles.

Blessings and Merry Christmas,
Melissa Henderson

Melissa Henderson is a writer of inspirational messages through fiction, non-fiction, devotions, guest blogs, articles and more. Her first children’s book, “Licky the Lizard” was released in 2018. Some of her passions are helping in community and church. Melissa and her husband Alan moved from Virginia to South Carolina in 2017 to be near son, daughter-in-love and first grandchild. The family motto is "It’s Always A Story With The Henderson".

Website and blog :
Amazon link to "Licky the Lizard"
Facebook : Melissa Henderson, Author
Pinterest : Melissa Henderson
Twitter : @mimionlife