Face it. If you’re a writer
furthering God’s kingdom with your words, no matter the way you’re published, via
the traditional or indie route, you will face opposition. Promise. I wish it
weren’t so. I wish we could all write and that things go smoothly. They don’t.
My most recent novel, Exiled Heart, which came out on March 12,
is a perfect example. It was my first novel many years ago via a traditional
publisher. When the publisher went out of business a couple of years ago, I got
my rights back and decided that Ziad’s story needed retelling in my more,
updated style.
I worked hard on it, cutting
16,000 words, sharpening the writing, and crystallizing the issues surrounding
this beloved character. My cover designer created one of my favorite covers.
When I came back from a
writers’ retreat at the end of February, the fun began.
Within three hours of my
return, I found out that my mother-in-law was in the hospital. Thankfully, what
was first thought to be serious has turned out to be a result of a cold /
bronchitis sickness that has swept through my part of North Carolina. Still, it
rattled me a little.
Things at work shifted
dramatically. My boss is leaving by the end of the month along with the
position he occupies, meaning more work for the rest of us. Things are
unsettled, and I worry about the morale of my coworkers. It feels low, and it
worries me.
Finally, my print book and
e-book went up on Amazon as planned except that for the hard copy, they
mismatched the product descriptions—everything needed for someone to buy a hard
copy. Thankfully, the e-book link functioned as intended from day one. I found
this out two weeks ago after an exhausting day at work.
I’ll be honest. It’s been a
struggle to push through this particular round of opposition, which has been
fiercer than normal. I like to joke with my husband that maybe this will be my
break-through novel because of it. I need to remember three things, as do all
of us when facing opposition when writing.
- God is sovereign. Nothing happens that He does not allow. That doesn’t mean only good things will happen. The tough things are what grow our faith. Those are what teach us to rely on the Creator and not on ourselves.
- It’s during these tough times that we must run to Him and seek wisdom and comfort in Scripture. This is when daily immersion in His word helps. In those words of the Bible comes the strength we need to get through those tough times.
- Will this season of opposition pass? It will. And I will trust that God will work things out for His glory and not my own. As it does, I pray that Exiled Heart touches many lives.
What have been times of opposition for you, and how have you pushed through them?

After being an avid reader of suspense fiction for most of her life, Jennifer Haynie began writing and publishing suspense novels in 2012. She has now written over five indie suspense novels. In her spare time, she works for the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality, enjoys working out, anything outdoors, and loves traveling. She currently lives outside of Raleigh with her husband and their two Basenji dogs. Her website is www.jenniferhaynie.com.