Wednesday, March 6, 2019

What to Do While Waiting to Hear Back from an Agent/Editor by Grace Hitchcock

Thank you for having me! I’m so happy to be here. Today, I’d like to talk about what to do after you submit your manuscript to an agent or editor. Before you dive into the next step, be sure to celebrate that HUGE milestone of finishing a novel and submitting it.
What to Do While Waiting to Hear Back from an Agent/Editor:

Keep writing. Even though you have submitted your polished manuscript, it doesn’t mean you need to halt all your writing while you wait for a response, which can take weeks, to months to even years! (I had one story that sat with an editor for almost a year before it was contracted, so do not despair if it takes longer than anticipated to hear back.) Instead of waiting, get started on your next project! For me, I like to think that the more quality books/proposals I have circulating, the better my chances are of getting that next contract.

Keep learning. If you can’t attend a conference or if it is months away, get a subscription to a writers magazine or pick up a writing craft book. No matter where we are in our writing journey, there is always more to learn. Another fun way to keep learning is to read your favorite authors again and take notes on why you love their stories and try to implement that into your next project.

Keep up your social media. Hopefully you’ve been working on your author website, twitter, Instagram, Facebook etc. for a while now, but it never hurts to revamp or continually push yourself for fresh content and social interaction.

Keep growing! One way to keep growing your readership early is to create an Author Newsletter. (I’ve only recently started mine for the release of The White City and it is so fun that I wish I had started sooner.) Build early, even if you don’t have a book/novella out yet! Do a small giveaway along with announcements of your giveaway on social media to generate some buzz. Possible content could be to tell your readers about what project you are working on, what’s in your TBR pile, new found or favorite recipes that your heroine would use, book news, etc. Remember, if readers sign up, they want to hear what you have to say. However, be sure you have an unsubscribe button at the bottom of the email.

Keep a stiff upper lip. Getting published is a journey that can be hard at times. I like to keep a list of the publishers’ responses to my manuscripts (aka rejections haha) on file to encourage and push me. When you get that first wonderful YES, look back on your file and see how you and your writing have grown since you began this journey. So, even if you get a no, keep hope and keep submitting.

Happy Writing!


Grace Hitchcock is the author of The White City and The Gray Chamber from Barbour Publishing. She has written multiple novellas in The Second Chance Brides, The Southern Belle Brides, and the Thimbles and Threads collections with Barbour Publishing. She holds a Masters in Creative Writing and a Bachelor of Arts in English with a minor in History. Grace lives in southern Louisiana with her husband, Dakota, and son. Visit Grace online at For author news, sign up for Grace Hitchcock’s newsletter here.