Monday, October 16, 2017

A Kick in the Inspiration by Marianne Evans

Marianne Evans
I haven't done one of these 'inspy' posts in a long time. I figured with all the chaos and anxiety running rampant through the world right now, what better moment to sharing an uplift - some tidbits of encouragement and writerly commiseration.

Let's face it, there's so much noise competing for our time and energy that drilling down to the basics of what we live for and strive for as writers (and people) is becoming increasingly difficult. So, taking a pause to breathe in fresh air is never a bad idea, right?

I hope you'll share your thoughts/quotes/ideas in the comments section. We'd love to hear them! To start things off, I've shared some of my own throughout this post.

I hope you enjoy! Be blessed, friends!


There's no time like the present!!

This one convicts me big time. You can't be a writer if you don't WRITE! Butt to chair, fingers to keyboard!

Don't be afraid of a first draft in need of work - write from the heart, edit from the brain! Bottom line, let the words flow!

What a fantastic editing tip no matter what your genre. Make your reader 'feel' it!!

I can only add one word to this particular meme: #TRUTH.

Friends, as anyone who knows me will tell you, this is how I roll. I don't go anywhere without pen/paper/computer - right down to the notebook on the bed stand. Yes. I'm an insane writer. Nice to meet you.  :-)

And isn't that, like, the coolest gift ever??!!??

Let there never be a doubt in your mind that your words, your books, your message have impact.

What better way to conclude this month's edition of Monday Encouragement? How beautiful is this?