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Melinda Viergever Inman |
the World Feels Like It’s Falling Apart
As far as we know, the election on November 8 will not end
the world as we know it. Believers have been given far worse choices in
elections in modern history and have survived far worse leaders in both ancient
and modern times. Neither Hitler nor Nero is on the ballot. Thank God.
But the fact that the church survived under these notorious
leaders should give us hope. Nero was Emperor of Rome as the New Testament was
written and the fledgling church established. Yet all proceeded exactly as
planned by a sovereign and merciful God.
Maybe our two reprehensible choices this election cycle will
finally open our eyes to the fact that we are not saved by our politicians, nor
can we ever be. Our political leaders will always be a disappointment, compared
to the One who is to come. When Jesus returns His reign will be just,
righteous, and holy. There will be nothing that will let us down. We won't have
to settle for this, so we can have that.
In this messy election season, one of the nastiest we've
ever seen, it has calmed and reassured me to focus on the goodness of a
sovereign God. Last first Friday of the month, I wrote here about the
intentionality of Christ as He aimed Himself toward the cross. My focus now is
on the intentionality of God as He works His plan to bring about the second
coming of His Son.
None of us know the day, but it will come. With just as much
intentionality as was demonstrated when Jesus set His face to go toward
Jerusalem and His death, He now orchestrates what must be in place politically
and nationally in order to usher in His return. Our elected leader is but one
piece in this puzzle. One event builds upon the next until The Day comes,
whenever it is, in our lifetimes or much later.
Since Jesus ascended, all of earth's events have been
coordinated to bring about the next part of God's plan, the culmination of our
union with Christ forever. Thus, we pray for guidance as we make our choice
this election season. We attempt to align ourselves with God's will. We write
about our turmoil of mind and our indecision. Some may write to persuade
others. Some will focus on turning us to the Lord. Our creative efforts may
even halt briefly, so we can pray, think, and decide.
We question our leaders. We consult the Word of God. We
consult our consciences. We do the deep internal work of realizing that there
is no "right" choice, yet we must choose. We listen to God's Spirit
and to one another.
Some of us may not vote, for our consciences will not allow
it. Some may write in another name on the ballot. Some may choose from the four
offered candidates. Each of us will try to be pleasing to God. This is good
growth for the American church. God is not the God of only one political party.
His kingdom is another kingdom, separate, pure, and righteous. As believers, we
are His, and no others.
Seek the peace and prosperity of our nation as you vote.
Trust a sovereign and good God to work all things together for the good of
those who love Him, no matter who is elected or how earth shattering the
election outcome feels. God is still in control, and He has a plan. It is well
with our souls.
(Those of you reading this post via e-mail may need to open it in your browser in order to see the video included.)
takes action: The Creator God establishes the cosmos and shapes a man. Adam
rises from the dust. Envious, the powerful angel Lucifer despises him.
Oblivious to the threat, Adam is captivated by his strong, intuitive wife Eve.
In the Garden of Eden, they enjoy abundant food, gorgeous vistas, and
intriguing challenges, including their budding love and passion. They have it
Lucifer’s deceptive brilliance tricks them into disobeying God. They eat the
one forbidden fruit. Their innocence is shattered. Their unity with one another
and with God is destroyed. Death will follow. Lucifer’s jealousy threatens
mankind’s tenuous beginning. But God is merciful. What astonishing promise does
He make? How will Adam and Eve survive—broken, shattered, and separated from God?
Melinda Viergever Inman was
raised in a storytelling family. There her roots were sunk. During years of
relocation, tragedy struck. Wounded and heartbroken, Melinda forsook her roots
and ran from herself and from God. A journey of trial and heartache brought her
home again. A prodigal now returned, she writes with passion, illustrating
God's love for wounded people as He makes beauty from ashes. Fallen is her second novel; Refuge, the sequel, is her first.
Melinda shepherds women in prison ministry and writes inspirational material at
http://melindainman.com/blog/. With her family she is involved with Mission
India/RIMI, rescuing orphans and providing theological and job training for
impoverished students.