Thursday, November 3, 2016

Do You Use Voxer? by Susan Tuttle

As a writer I’m always looking for useful apps that will help me in my writing career, so when a friend of mine told me about Voxer I decided to try it out. And I LOVE it. So I’m sharing it with you today.
Voxer is basically a mash-up of a walkie-talkie and voicemail. You press a button and start talking. If the person you’re speaking to is there, you move back and forth in your conversation as if you were holding a walkie-talkie. If they’re not there, the message will save for them to play when they have a moment. You don’t need to walk around holding the phone to your ear. No dialing and waiting for voicemail to pick up. And much easier than tiring your thumbs writing a lengthy text. Just simple convenience.
How does that help a writer, you ask? Simple.

1. Brainstorming: I’ve had many brainstorming sessions with writer friends using this app. Either we chat back and forth as we work through their plot, or they send an idea for their storyline and I get back to them when I can. That’s part of the beauty of this app…they can quickly shoot me the question the moment it hits them, and I can answer when I’m able.

2. Encouragement: Writing can be a lonely affair. And as a writer, I often have fellow writers on my heart. This app has allowed me to shoot them a quick message and pray over them, encourage them, or share something funny. Sure. Texts do the same thing. But sometimes it’s nice to hear someone’s voice as you go through your day—and I don’t even have to make their phone ring. It’s simply recorded for them to play when they have a moment.

3. SOS Calls:  We all have those moments. We’re in the midst of writing a story. The flow is good. Words are flying. But something in your story needs addressing. Not enough to stop you, but enough to tie up precious brain space. Voxing comes in handy in these moments. You can toss the question or problem to a friend without disrupting either one of you. Then pick it apart later when you both have the time.
It might seem like a short list, but Voxer has dramatically changed how I interact with my writer friends. Emailing never seemed fast enough, and many times what I wanted to pass on was far too long to text. However, it was often not pressing enough to warrant a phone call. This has found a happy middle ground for communication, and it’s one I have every intention of continuing to use. 
If you’re not on Voxer yet, it’s a free app and I highly recommend it to you and your writing communityJ

Susan L. Tuttle lives in Michigan where she’s happily married to her best friend and is a homeschooling mom of three. She’s firmly convinced that letters were meant for words, not math, and loves stringing them together into stories that inspire, encourage, and grow women into who God created them to be. Romance, laughter, and cookies are three of her favorite things, though not always in that order. You can connect with Susan at her blog, Steps, Facebook, or Twitter.