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Amanda Cabot |
The first one is from a book set in 1170. Yes, the Middle Ages.
“Can you not settle this peacefully?” Marguerite asked Alain. Surely he must see how conflicted she was by the situation.
“Perhaps I was mistaken,” Alain said, not bothering to hide his scorn, “but I thought it was a knight’s duty to protect his lady.”
Marguerite sighed. She wouldn’t go there. Instead, she nodded stiffly, then took her seat next to Louise. The teenager’s enthusiasm for the fight stood in marked contrast to her own reluctance to see blood shed. But the fight was over almost before it began. With one deft stroke, Alain sent Henri’s sword ricocheting against the wall.
If you guessed that there were anachronisms in it, you’re right. There are at least four. “Conflicted” came into general use in 1967. “Wouldn’t go there” is a phrase from the 1990s. “Teenager’s” first usage was 1921, and – this one surprised me – “ricocheting” wasn’t commonly used until 1828.
Why worry about anachronisms?
The first reason is that they brand you as a sloppy writer. You spend weeks, months, possibly years researching a book. The details of daily life are accurate; the speech patterns are authentic; you’ve even ensured that your characters eat common foods from the era. Why spoil the effect with an inappropriate term? Consider this: checking a word’s first usage is simply another form of research.
The second reason is that at least some of your readers will notice the anachronistic terms. For some it may be a mild annoyance. Others may find the errors so jarring that they stop reading. In either case, the suspension of disbelief that we strive so hard to create is broken, if only for a second. Don’t do it. Don’t risk losing readers.
Okay, are you ready for quiz number two?
At least it wasn’t raining. Normally he wouldn’t mind it. In fact, he preferred rain when going into battle. Unfortunately, today he wasn’t waging war, nor was he facing an opponent at the other end of a lance. It would have been easier if he were. Even a few hours at the quintain would have been preferable to the fate which was now mere minutes away.
The knight on the silver gray destrier let the reins slacken as he looked around him. Though the wheat field could not compare to the raw magnificence of Outremer, there was no denying its beauty. It spoke of fertile ground, of centuries of tradition, of home. This morn it also reminded Alain de Jarnac of the obligation awaiting him.
This is another selection from the same medieval. While there are no anachronisms in this passage, I would venture that some of the vocabulary made you pause. Admittedly, devotees of medievals are familiar with quintains (a post with a revolving crosspiece that knights used for training) and know that a destrier is a war horse. They’d also know that Outremer meant overseas and was a term used during the Crusades.
But – and this is an important “but” – many readers won’t recognize those terms. If a potential reader picked up the book and glanced at this passage, the chances are she wouldn’t buy the book, simply because of the unfamiliar words. You don’t want that to happen, and so I urge you not to fall into this potential pit.
Either use common words or include an explanation. For example, if the author had replaced the simple reference to a quintain with “a few hours of jousting against the revolving arms of the quintain post,” the reader would have understood what a quintain was and might have smiled over the fact that he’d learned something new. The key is never to make a reader feel stupid.
That’s all for today, but I’ll be back in two weeks for part two of the pitfall discussion. I hope to see you then.
Dora here. Did you pick up on the errors in these passages?
As a reader, what pitfalls throw you out of a scene?
As a writer, do you research word usages?
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When Elizabeth
Harding arrives in Cheyenne to open a medical practice, she is confident that
the future is as bright as the warm Wyoming sun. Certain she’ll have a line of
patients eager for her services, she soon discovers the town may not welcome a
new physician—especially a female one. Even Jason Nordling, the handsome young
attorney next door, seems to disapprove of her chosen profession.
When a web of deceit
among Cheyenne’s wealthiest residents threatens to catch Elizabeth and Jason in
its snare, they must risk working together to save one of Elizabeth’s patients,
even if it means falling in love.
From the time that she was seven, Amanda Cabot dreamed of
becoming a published author, but it was only when she set herself the goal of
selling a book by her thirtieth birthday that the dream came true. A former director of Information Technology,
Amanda has written everything from technical books and articles for IT
professionals to mysteries for teenagers and romances for all ages. She’s delighted to now be a fulltime writer
of Christian historical romances. Her
Texas Dreams trilogy received critical acclaim; Christmas Roses was a CBA bestseller; and a number of her books
have been finalists for national awards, including ACFW’s Carol award.