At this time of year, we drag out the china, baste the turkey, and gather around the table with friends and family. It's a special time to ponder God's provisions. God provides special blessings for writers, too. Today, author Phyllis Keels shares something she is thankful for when it comes to writing. -- Sandy
Phyllis: You know what I like about the
writing community? Well, a whole lot of things, but the thing I like the most
is its collaborative and not competitive nature. Do you see it too? I see it
all the time.
- Experienced writers who willingly share what they’ve learned with others who are just starting out.
- Celebrating with another writer who, after years of hard work, hears good news from an agent or publisher.
- The eagerness of writers to share resources, and offer their time to review or critique another writer’s work.
There are so many examples of
this collaborative nature of writers. I’ve been the recipient of more generosity
from them than I can count. I’ve also been blessed to be in a position to give
these things to others.
That is probably why we do it. The joy of passing along what we have learned, things that save someone else the pain we went through. It’s what we do for our children. We want them to learn from our mistakes, so they will be better than we are.
This collaborative approach is a beautiful picture of how the body of Christ is supposed to function. No competition, just a willingness to share, and the desire for others to excel, to shine in using their gifts. What it really shows us is the truth that those who humble themselves will be exalted.
That is probably why we do it. The joy of passing along what we have learned, things that save someone else the pain we went through. It’s what we do for our children. We want them to learn from our mistakes, so they will be better than we are.
This collaborative approach is a beautiful picture of how the body of Christ is supposed to function. No competition, just a willingness to share, and the desire for others to excel, to shine in using their gifts. What it really shows us is the truth that those who humble themselves will be exalted.
When we place someone else’s need above our own desires (perhaps to guard our time, or to be successful); when we offer help to someone else, then we elevate that person above us.
Jesus said that if we do this, we will be in a place of honor. Our Heavenly Father Himself will honor us. Even though we do not do these things for the honor of it, it is perfectly acceptable to be grateful for this honor from the Lord. In that moment of being grateful, we are passing the honor onto the One to whom it really belongs – the Lord Jesus.
That is the heart of thanksgiving.
This year, I will take time to be thankful for every writer who ever helped me, to each one who shared what he or she knows, to all who offered valuable time and gave it freely.
In this way, I can offer praise to my Lord who loves me, and blesses me so richly every day of my life, by making me part of this giving community of writers.
So pull up a chair around the table and share with your fellow writers how God has blessed you in your writing this year.

In her writing and speaking, she calls
women to a deeper level of honesty and intimacy with our Lord Jesus Christ as
they learn to cling to Him in life’s valleys.
A deaconess of her church, Phyllis
teaches Bible study, speaks, and is watchful to use any opportunity to minister
to hurting women of all ages.
Phyllis’ passion is that others may also
know the Lord is faithful, and that Jesus is intimately
aware of our suffering. She proclaims our Heavenly Father’s promise that He is indeed
near to the brokenhearted.
A full-time writer, speaker, and
business owner of The Gifted Writer, LLC, Phyllis lives in North Carolina, with
her son and two really big dogs.
can read more about Phyllis or follow her:
Twitter: @PhyllisKeels
Facebook Author Page: Phyllis.Keels
Goodreads: Phyllis Keels