"You've attended the Writer's Police Academy put on by Lee Lofland, writer and former police detective. What impact did that experience have on your writing?"--Sandy
Lynette: This year's Writers Police Academy is
September 5-8, 2013 at Guilford Technical Community College in Jamestown, North Carolina (near Greensboro). I’ve been waiting for three years to be able to
go back. This year’s the year. The conference is directed by Lee Lofland. Lee’s
bio includes his many years of experience and is novel length in itself, but
suffice it to say, he is well qualified to direct this conference.
You may be asking yourself. Why a Writers Police Academy?
Simple answer: Research. Education. Training.
Those are the reasons I go. At the Academy, there are so
many professionals available, it’s almost overwhelming, but if you can get past
the star struck-ness and down to the nitty gritty of learning and soaking up
every facet of the conference, you will walk away better equipped to write a story
that is accurate and realistic.
I love to write. I love to write about the good guys versus
the bad guys and I love when the good guys win. In almost every story I’ve
written, the good guys (and even some of the bad guys) are the cops. FBI, Local
Police, State Police, Detectives, US
Marshals, etc. Since my background is NOT in any of these areas (I’m too
chicken to go into law enforcement), I have to RESEARCH and do it extensively.
Both online and in person. I have two FBI friends who read my stuff and give me
feedback (pointing out all my errors and how to fix them) and I have a police
officer who does the same. Thanks to them, I don’t mind it when law enforcement
personnel read my books. I know they’re accurate. That’s not to say I never
make a mistake, but I know I’ve done my best to do justice to a profession and
professionals that underpaid, undervalued and overworked. I have the utmost
respect for those in law enforcement and want to make sure my writing reflects
So if you’re looking to up the ante in your writing and you
want to make sure your police procedural is spot on, I highly recommend
attending the Writers Police Academy. Only you’ll have to wait until next year.
This year is sold out. That’s how good it is.
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- RT #SeriouslyWrite - Why attend the Writer's Police Academy? Lynette Eason explains. http://ow.ly/mu51s #Writing #Research - Click to Tweet
- RT #SeriouslyWrite - Lynette Eason: "Up the ante in your writing...Writer's Police Academy." http://ow.ly/mu51s #Writing #Research - Click to Tweet
Have you ever attended Lee Lofland's academy or one like it? Maybe you rode with an officer on his shift. What surprised you most about the experience or what you learned?