Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Approaching People With Care Series: Part II

 Your Community
Approaching People with Care: Part II
Net's Notations Tuesdays

People are often surprised when they find out what I do, and that’s probably because I don’t usually tell them.

My husband dropped off our youngest at a birthday party recently to hear these words, “I didn’t know your wife was an author. I went to her site and I’m thinking of getting her book.” Aww… I’ve seen this dear fellow mother three days a week for a year. Okay, you could chalk it up to my being an introvert, but it’s also easy not to mention what you do when no one asks.

Then, there are the times I’ve asked others what they do and they’ll tell me, but assume I’m a SAHM (thanks Meredith Efken for the acronym. It stands for Stay At Home Mom). And that’s partly true. So, if they do ever ask, I’ll tell them. Otherwise, let the conversation be about them. That’s cool.

When you interact with local people, what do you talk about? I’m not saying we can’t or shouldn’t mention our careers. Please do. And don’t be ashamed! For a long time, it was difficult for me to say I was a writer. And then when I published some things, it was challenging to “admit” I was an author. People give you strange reactions, am I right? You know it. But when you’re living out your calling, it’s important to do so unashamed. Shame, even when it's a lie, will only hold you back.

So, to return to my point, we’re talking about approaching people with care this month. And last week we discussed caring for editors and agents, remember they’re people too. Our interactions aren’t one-sided, and based in selfish motives. You’ll stand out if you genuinely care for others. Same’s true of conversations within your community. When we serve others, putting others first, we glorify God. So, our writing glorifies God. And our conversation and caring glorify God. That will help people find Him, want Him, seek Him, and perhaps peek at your writing too. See, a win-win-win-win. ;)

It’s all in the approach.