Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Assemble the Orchestra!

Assemble the Orchestra
Worshipful Writers Series
Net's Notations Tuesdays

Round up an orchestra to play for God,
Add on a hundred-voice choir.
(Psalm 98:5, MSG)

We’re all different instruments in God’s worship team. Same call: "Write!" But, we all have different roles.

M.L. Tyndall writes historical romance. But she includes a touch of spiritual warfare in her stories through symbolism. This makes her stand out.

Julie Lessman writes passionate romances out of a zeal for Jesus in her own heart. She also fiercely believes in passion in marriage. Her writing stands out.

Karen Kingsbury writes emotionally touching stories every time. You have to keep a tissue at the ready! If you’ve interacted with her, you know she loves big. She is a caring woman. Her writing glorifies God and uses her skills and heart at an exquisite level.

God will use you to touch specific people. In fact, I believe that as you’re writing your book (fiction or non-fiction) God is excited about the readers who will see what you’ve written and be helped by your words.

We think of it as voice. That element we bring to our books which represents us every time. It’s more than tone. It’s you, your writing essence.

In the same way that no two writing voices are alike (how many of you know you cannot successfully imitate another author’s voice?), the ways God has designed to use each of us is unique as well.

Name a famous author. Just pick one off the top of your head. Lets say . . . Jane Austen. Now, we can study her work and learn to write like she did. We can write in her genre, even quote her prose. But there will never be another Jane Austen. And rightly so.

You have a specific position in God’s orchestra of writers. (Forgive me for blending two metaphors here in our Worshipful Writers Series.) Though someone else writes the same genre (also plays the trombone, for example), they will not sound like you. Learning craft hones your tone. Practicing helps you produce a good sound. You’re responsible for your own instrument, to know how to play it, to put in the practice hours, to be on time for rehearsals and performances. Can you see the parallels? BIC—behind in chair. Log words everyday. No skimping. Be excellent.

And most of all, take your rightful position in God’s orchestra of writers. You belong here. There is no competition. We're all called. Welcome. Play!

Honor God with your talents, with your obedience to your calling, and with your creativity. Glorify the Conductor as a worshipful writer.
