Thursday, February 25, 2010

A Season for Every Activity

Thursdays - Devotions for Writers

“There is a time for everything, and a season for
every activity under heaven . . .”
(Ecc. 3:1 NIV)

I live in the Pacific Northwest, which is known for having a mild climate. Except for those rare winters we experience, like the one in 2009. Cold temperatures, snow, icy roads, and numerous power outages. I missed five days of work due to road conditions. I could just as well have been living back in Minnesota!

But this winter . . . ah, this winter . . . we’ve experienced the extreme opposite with record breaking high temperatures. The cherry trees are blooming, and the crocus and tulips are popping up out of the ground. This is early – even for our area!

We love it. It feels like spring has sprung two months early. But a small, nagging fear keeps me from fully embracing it. What if the trees have budded out too soon? The blooms burst open before the right time? If a hard frost were to hit – and it’s still a possibility – trees could be damaged to the point of taking years to recover, if they recover at all.

Yes, I confess to being one of those. A tree hugger.

Whatever happens, God is in control. He decides when the seasons will change. Whether they arrive early or late in our opinion, they’re always right on time according to His plan.

It’s the same with our writing and publishing careers. There is a time to grow in our craft and knowledge of the industry, a time to reap rewards from our hard work, and a time to share what we’ve learned.

For some, the seasons fly by faster than they do for others. But for each individual, they’re always on time. And isn’t that the way we want it to be? How much better is it for a writer to experience success when they’ve matured in their craft, as opposed to being published too early? Just like a hard frost can damage a beautiful blooming tree, a book published before it’s time – (or before the writer is spiritually ready to step into the shoes of a published author and the responsibility they bring) – can damage not only the author’s chances of selling again, it can damage his/her spirit.

The opposite can also occur. We may be fear that we’re not ready to move forward. We may be afraid of failing. Pray. Check your spirit. God may be presenting opportunities planned for you that you hadn’t thought of or dreamed possible.

He may be telling you this is your season. The time now. This open door, which leads down a new path, may help you grow, enable you to help others, or provide new possibilities.

God knows when the time is right. Trust Him. :-D
