Write Barefoot
Writing is work. It's joy, sure, but if it isn't hard work too, we're not doing it right. Gotta "feel the burn."
Writing is work and worship, as is everything else we do in Jesus' Name.
Do you write barefoot? Do you take off your sandals, your Birkenstocks, your expensive Italian loafers, your tiki bird slippers when you write? Precious friend, you're standing (or sitting or bouncing on an exercise ball, as the case may be) on HOLY GROUND!
If God meets you there in your writing world, and if His passion burns within like the bush through which He spoke to Moses (Exodus 3:5), when you lay your very human fingers over very earthly computer keys or grip an ergonomic pen, you are on holy ground.
Worship well today, writers-blessed-of-God! May it be a truly holy, out of body and into the Spirit experience for you.
Pressing on, digging my bare toes into holy carpeting,
Cynthia Ruchti
Cynthia Ruchti writes stories of “hope that glows in the dark.” The drama/devotional radio broadcast Cynthia writes and produces—The Heartbeat of the Home—airs on 16 radio stations and two cable/digital television stations. Cynthia is editor of the ministry’s Backyard Friends magazine. She also serves as current president of American Christian Fiction Writers. Her debut novel—They Almost Always Come Home—releases in spring 2010 with Abingdon Press.