A popular marketing tool for writers is issuing a newsletter through email subscriptions. I asked author Ann Gabhart to share her experience with this way of reaching her readers. -- Sandy
I’ve been writing for years, but I didn’t venture into the
world of social media until after I published my first Christian novel, Scent of Lilacs, in 2005. Facebook.
Twitter. Newsletters. I’ve done all those, but writing a newsletter sounded
like the most fun because I enjoy talking to people in person and on paper. My starter
list of friends and readers wasn’t very long, so I began signing up more readers
at book events.
At first, I used my own e-mail until somebody pointed out
the rules for sending news updates. Rules? For writing letters? But it turns
out you can’t just send anybody a newsletter. They have to sign-up in person or
on-line that they want your newsletter to land in their e-mail boxes. So to stay
on the right side of spam rules, I found a newsletter service. I put a sign-up
link on my website and Facebook page. Then I grew my list more through giveaways
that stated contest entries were also a sign-up for my newsletter.
Having names isn’t enough. I need to make these new friends
want to read my “letter.” It’s a given that you need entertaining content or
some great offers. I use a mix of down home news and book news. My newsletter
friends get the bonus of first knowledge of a giveaway or information about free
e-book downloads. In hopes of keeping my mailing from being marked spam, I put
“how to unsubscribe” at the beginning. I don’t want to be in their e-mail box
if they don’t want me there. But I do have many readers who like getting my news.
After sending one out, I set aside time to read and answer the responses I get.
That shows I appreciate them reading my letter. Plus, I often ask readers entering
my giveaway contests to share a story with me. Since my recent giveaway was
during my birthday month, I requested memories of special birthday celebrations.
I am always touched by the stories shared with me.
So while my newsletter isn’t the average author’s newsletter
(we never like to think we’re average, do we?) and it breaks some of the rules
for a successful newsletter, it works for me. I get to know my readers better
as we share stories and books.
Here’s a link to a recent newsletter. http://mad.ly/bf8814?o=ps
Here’s a link to a recent newsletter. http://mad.ly/bf8814?o=ps
Happy writing!!
Do you have an author newsletter? Do you subscribe to other authors’ newsletters? What do you like about them?