My debut novel, Waltz in the Wilderness, released yesterday. Although this was not the original title, it is the perfect title for my story because of the layered meaning within these words. My heroine, Eliza, experiences the wilderness in every sense of the word. Emotionally, she feels separated from those she loves. Spiritually, she feels lost in her relationship with God. Physically, she must enter and endure the wilderness to search for her missing earthly father. Like many of us, it is in the wilderness that she reconnects with her heavenly Father.
Many parts of this writing journey we’re on can feel like the wilderness. Whether it’s wondering why no agent has said yes to your proposal, which story you should write next, why you should even bother with this writing life at all, or something else entirely, perhaps like Eliza, you’ve experienced or are experiencing, something that has you feeling alone, confused, and unsure which way to turn. You could, as Eliza does, attempt to take things into your own hands and charge ahead, confident that your chosen route is the only way forward. However, as Eliza comes to realize, charging ahead without a guide and protector, often leaves you lost, in danger and even injured. So what should you do?
Look to our Leader.
Be patient in your confusion and lean on Him through any suffering. Trust that He has not abandoned you and has a plan for your good.
When women are waltzing, they often cannot see where they are going. In dancing, women are the followers and men the leaders. We must rely on our men to lead us in a safe path, yet if our connection is weak we cannot know which way he is leading. This is the reason ballroom dancers are admonished not to have floppy arms. That strong frame creates the connection that communicates from the leader to the partner which way, when, and how to move. As followers, we must be patient—attempting to move before the leader prompts us to, weakens our connection.
So whatever your current troubles, I ask you to pause and imagine yourself waltzing in the woods with floppy arms. It would be a dangerous activity with thorny bushes to bump into, above ground roots to trip over, and low-hanging branches ready to knock you down, should you misstep. However, you are not dancing alone. Nor are you dancing with an inexperienced or careless partner. You are dancing with the One who created you, created the world, and loves you more than you can know.
So while you’re in the woods, quit trying to peek over your shoulder or pull your leader along. Take a moment and check your connection. Strengthen it through communication (prayer) and getting to know your leader (Bible study). Then, enjoy the dance.
A time to weep, a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance; Ecclesiastes 3:4 (KJV)
Many parts of this writing journey we’re on can feel like the wilderness. via @KathleenDenly #SeriouslyWrite #amwriting

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