Tuesday, July 23, 2019

When We Doubt God's Calling by Emily Wickham

“For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.” Ephesians 2:10, NASB

Do you ever question whether God really called you to write for Him?

I have. Oh my, have I ever. When I’ve experienced family difficulties due to time spent on writing commitments, when little or no response has accompanied my posts, or since my agent search has continued for years, doubts about God’s calling have arisen now and then.

Can you relate?

Our answer to whether or not God has called us to write is fundamental.

Because if He hasn’t called us, why are we using our time and skill to craft words? Surely other ways exist to serve the Lord. On the other hand, if God has called us, why do we get mired down in doubt? Our enemy lurks, seeking to discourage and prevent us from fulfilling God’s will.

If you’re battling doubt today, please join me in exploring four confirmations from my writing journey, which I pray will encourage you forward in yours.

Confirmation #1: God’s Word

“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, And before you were born I consecrated you; I have appointed you a prophet to the nations.” Jeremiah 1:5

God used this verse years ago to call me into writing and speaking. Though He spoke these words to Jeremiah about 2,500 years ago, He’s repeatedly confirmed my calling through them.

I don’t travel extensively, but my words travel places I never dreamed possible. The internet and Alcanzando la Justicia carry them “to the nations,” destinations God intended long ago. Glory to Him!

Confirmation #2: God’s People

Early in my ministry, I experienced a painful rejection. Yet God planted a loving, godly encourager in my path. This Christian sister prayed for me plus worked by my side. And since those beginning days, God has used many people to prompt me forward. Their encouragement has confirmed God’s call to me along the way.

Confirmation #3: Opportunities

God has opened doors I didn’t anticipate, such as writing devotions for Journey Magazine. He’s also enabled me to sell other articles, teach at women’s retreats, and participate as faculty at the Asheville Christian Writers Conference 2019. God provides opportunities. He forges ahead, “to open doors … and make the rough places smooth” (Is. 45:1-2).

Confirmation #4: Impact

When I discover God used my words to impact another person, my hearts sings. He has a plan for the messages I write. Everything I possess belongs to the Lord, and it’s incredible to realize He’s using little me: the wife and mom who juggles responsibilities plus wrestles with feelings of failure … the woman without a college degree … the writer who entered the industry without connections.

The Lord has called me to write. How about you? Which of these confirmations resonates with you? I’d love to hear your story.

Do you ever question whether God really called you to write for Him? Discover four confirmations of your calling. @emilywickhamPH @MaryAFelkins #WritersLife #WritingCommunity

Note: Portions of this post first appeared in “Called to Write?” on June 5, 2018 at www.proclaiminghimtowomen.com.

EMILY WICKHAM seeks to stir hearts toward Jesus. She writes for Journey Magazine, a LifeWay publication, speaks at ladies’ events, and shares “Devotions for Women” videos on social media. Emily encourages Christian women plus equips Christian writers on her blog, www.proclaiminghimtowomen.com. She is the author of one Bible study, which was translated into Spanish in 2016. Emily, a resident of North Carolina, is Mark’s wife of 29+ years. They are the blessed parents of four children and one daughter-in-love. God’s faithfulness and love inspire Emily on her journey through life as she purposes to exalt Christ through written and spoken words.

Connect with Emily:
Website: www.proclaiminghimtowomen.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/emilywickham.author
Twitter: www.twitter.com/emilywickhamPH
YouTube: www.youtube.com/user/estherstudy
Instagram: www.instagram.com/emilywickham.author

Alcanzando la Justicia Book Blurb:
Whether you’re a Spanish-speaking sister who longs to grow closer to Christ, or you’re looking for a Spanish Bible study to use for outreach in your community, please consider using Alcanzando la Justicia. It guides women through the book of Esther, challenging them to grow in righteous behavior—to make God-honoring choices each day. Daily prayers, Scripture readings, observation sections, author reflections, and application questions are included. This workbook is designed for individual or group use and contains instructions for following a one month, ten week, or thirty-one week schedule.

See Emily’s website for special offers or purchase the book on Amazon.