When we arrived, people milled about with their children, pets and loved ones. We took off down a somewhat muddy path and stopped at the first cascade. Water levels were high and thundered over the falls. Scenic beauty surrounded us with tall trees, the whistle of birds and early spring flowers poking their heads from the cold winter ground.
Then, a flash of orange and yellow moved across the river’s current. A kayaker steered his boat right over the ten-foot drop of Hooker Falls. What a thrilling surprise! The man made the plunge over with great skill and joined his waiting family at the bottom. Little did we know, God had more in store for us that day.
When we left, my husband took a wrong turn and came to a gravel road. Most couples would’ve turned around. That was what I wanted to do. There was no way this boring backwoods passage led anywhere close to our destination, but my sweet hubby didn’t listen to me—a trait I’ve tried to change over the years and been unsuccessful. He steered the truck onto the path.
I stared out the window in a little bit of a huff, since I didn’t get my way, when my husband slammed on the brakes and pointed. “Look!”
Off to the side, a beautiful waterfall cascaded down the mountain. We got out. Took pictures. Such a delight. My spirits lifted. By the end of our journey, we found another waterfall and a crystal-clear lake.
If my husband had listened to me and turned around, we would’ve missed all the beauty God placed before us and headed home on the boring interstate. Hint: Really doesn’t pay to try to change our spouses, but that’s a whole other post. :)
God often prods writers in unexpected directions, down wayward paths we try to avoid. We cling to the same comfortable habits wrapped around us like a warm, fluffy blanket. But we might be missing the beauty of God’s glory waiting around the next bend.
“For we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28
We’ve been called to write. Then why do we hesitate? Why do we doubt, instead of hiking the trail God has placed before us?
Time to step out in faith.

• Take part in a writer’s conference and learn about our calling. (Blue Ridge Mountain Christian Writer’s Conference is in May and the American Christian Fiction Writers conference is in September)
• Ask God to provide the money to learn about the craft.
• Join an online or local writing group.
• Find a writing partner.
• Write the first chapter of the story God has placed in our hearts.
No matter where the road may lead, don’t turn around. Be adventurous with God. Sometimes the roads less traveled, turn up God’s greatest blessings.
No matter where the road may lead, don’t turn around. Be adventurous with God. Sometimes the roads less traveled, turn up God’s greatest blessings. #amwriting #waterfalls @shannon_redmon
Shannon Redmon remembers the first grown up book she checked out from the neighborhood book mobile. A Victoria Holt novel with romance, intrigue, dashing gentlemen and ballroom parties captivated her attention. For her mother, the silence must have been a pleasant break from non-stop teenage chatter, but for Shannon, those stories whipped up a desire and passion for writing.
There's nothing better than the power of a captivating novel, a moving song or zeal for a performance that punches souls with awe. A rainbow displayed after a horrific storm or expansive views on a mountaintop bring nuggets of joy into our lives. Shannon hopes stories immerse readers into that same kind of amazement, encouraging faith, hope and love, guiding our hearts to the One who created us all.
Shannon Redmon’s writing has been published in Spark magazine, Splickety magazine, the Lightning Blog, The Horse of My Dreams compilation book, Romantic Moments compilation book, Seriously Write blog and Jordyn Redwood’s Medical Edge blog. Her current fiction novel was selected as a top three finalist of the 2018 ACFW Genesis Contest and she is represented by Tamela Hancock Murray of the Steve Laube Agency.
Connect with Shannon:
The StoryMoore Blog, named in memory of her father, Donald Eugene Moore.
FB: https://www.facebook.com/shannon.redmon
Twitter: https://twitter.com/shannon_redmon
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/shannonredmon/