My first three books I was a pantser. I wrote whatever came
to mind with no real plot planned out.
As I progressed in my writing and started a second series, I
realized I needed to create a loose plot to save time when I was working on
multiple projects. I often found myself spending too much time looking for
where I was in each story and re-reading sections to remember.
My last book and two novellas were plotted. Through the
process, I have found I like planning out my books before I begin. I have a
decided place where I will start, what I want to happen and a rough idea of how
to get there. Occasionally, I add scenes, remove scenes or move scenes around
to enhance the flow and theme of the book.
Which brings me to the other point. I decided early on
wanted to have an established theme for all my series.
In my historical romance series, Window to the Heart Saga,
the overarching theme is about redemption, most prominently in books 1-3. In book
4, the original theme is still present in undertones but there is a new one
introduced—independence. The new theme also carries into book 6 which is my
current work in progress. Books 5 and 5.5 are my short story and novella and
they are both themed around Christmas weddings and acceptance.Themes give a depth to my books while helping me
to pick and choose the situations that will grow the characters, making them
more complex.
Not every reader will pick up on the themes in my books and that
is alright. I think of it like an Easter egg in games, if you do, you feel
pleased you found the hidden surprise, but if you don’t find it, you never knew
you missed it.
Have you gone from being a pantser to a plotter? What advantages/disadvantages have you noticed?

She has been an avid reader since she could
hold a book and started writing stories almost as early. She has been published
in several newspapers as well as edited for multiple papers. She graduated with
her Bachelor of Arts in English from Bethany College and was the Editor-in-Chief
of the newspaper while there. She’s an on-going contributor for The Mighty
Website and her first blog was published on Yahoo Parenting and The Grief
Toolbox as well as featured on the ABC News and Good Morning America websites.
Writing is her passion, but she also enjoys
cooking, watching movies, reading, engaging in social media and spending time
with her three young daughters and husband where they live in the Central
Valley of California. She is also active in her local church where she
volunteers on their first impressions team as well as writes for the church’s
creative team.
She is offering the first two chapters of each
of her books along with the short story, The White Wedding, for free on Wattpad.
find out more about Jenna, to sign-up for her newsletter, or to purchase her
books, visit her website at
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