Now did she know all the amazing things Jesus was going to do? No. That part of the song has got it right. Even knowing who God was and this amazing miracle he was performing through her, there was no way Mary could have imagined the miracles Jesus would perform on this Earth. Blind to see? Lame to walk? The dead to live again? Who would ever have even begun to form those thoughts in their minds when they’d never encountered living, breathing Jesus before? His story hadn’t fully been told.
And neither has yours.
Oh friends! God daily performs miracles in us when he partners with us in story telling. He crafts something from nothing every day using our very hands. And yet we cannot even begin to understand the amazing things he’s going to do with what we give birth to! The places our stories will travel to. The lives it will touch. The miracles that will happen through them.

We KNOW who God is, but we cannot begin to know what he’s going to do with the gift he’s growing in us. Wow. To serve our God…to be used by him…it’s an amazing thing. Isn’t it?
Merry Christmas, friends.
Susan L. Tuttle lives in
Michigan where she’s happily married to her best friend and is a homeschooling
mom of three. She’s firmly convinced that letters were meant for words, not
math, and loves stringing them together into stories that inspire, encourage,
and grow women into who God created them to be. Romance, laughter, and cookies
are three of her favorite things, though not always in that order. You can
connect with Susan at her blog, Steps, Facebook, or Twitter.