Hey all! It’s November! I can almost smell the turkey and pecan pie. My mouth is wateringJ What’s your favorite food to have on Thanksgiving day?
I absolutely adore Fall. It’s my favorite season and part of that reason is because of the holidays. Thanksgiving is right up there with my favorites, and it’s not simply because of the food—though that’s a huge part. But it’s because this entire month reminds me to pause, look around, and rediscover things I’m thankful about.
This writing world is hard, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t reasons to be thankful. So I wanted to take a moment today and give thanks for all the ways God has blessed me on this journey. And I hope you’ll chime in!
- A family who supports me
even when I’m unpublished. Who cheer me on and believe in me even when I
don’t always believe in myself.
- Friends both inside and
outside the writing community who understand my heart and desire to share
God’s Word through crafting words, and they champion me to do just that.
- An amazing agent who keeps
persevering even when it’s a tough climate out there.
- My own little corner in my
house to write.
- My first time published in
a book was this year! I had the privilege of retelling the story of my
mom’s healing in a compilation of stories from Bethany House called Gifts From Heaven.
- God’s continual provision
of story and devotional ideas. None of it comes from me!
Susan L. Tuttle lives in
Michigan where she’s happily married to her best friend and is a homeschooling
mom of three. She’s firmly convinced that letters were meant for words, not
math, and loves stringing them together into stories that inspire, encourage,
and grow women into who God created them to be. Romance, laughter, and cookies
are three of her favorite things, though not always in that order. You can
connect with Susan at her blog, Steps, Facebook, or Twitter.