Will you know when you've reached the top of that success ladder? Today, author A. M. Heath provides encouragement for the climb. -- Sandy
A. M.: One of the most frustrating things for an author is the actual climb for success. Authors typically don't mind working through writer's block or plotting out a new novel. We normally aren't fazed by sleepless nights and double-duty days. It's the steep climb for success that worries us. It's a ladder that seems to have no end, and not knowing when you've reached the top of the Success Ladder?
A. M.: One of the most frustrating things for an author is the actual climb for success. Authors typically don't mind working through writer's block or plotting out a new novel. We normally aren't fazed by sleepless nights and double-duty days. It's the steep climb for success that worries us. It's a ladder that seems to have no end, and not knowing when you've reached the top of the Success Ladder?
Is it when you reach #1 on the sales chart? Or when you stay #1
for x amount of weeks? Or are you simply trying to out due a fellow
author...secretly, of course. ;)
Or are your ambitions more humble? Will you be content to make
just one new fan? What if that fan forgets to tell you that you've hooked them?
What if your best reviewers neglect to share their thoughts on Goodreads? What
if your work is a hit with 100% of the readers who find it...only very few
people find it?
How can we find success in our work? How do we know when we've
found it? Will it bring satisfaction when we've found it?
For all these reasons, and so many more, authors often
despair at trying to climb this never ending ladder. I'm not above the norm. I
often find myself sinking instead of climbing. And it's in this dark place that
I reach for a lesson about success that never fails to comfort.
"'Men of Israel, consider carefully what you intend to do
to these men...For if their purpose or activity is of human origin, it will
fail. But if it is from God, you will not be able to stop these men...'"
You see, if your work is of God then it can not be stopped.
"Being unstoppable" is a solid definition of success. God promises
success for the projects that He ordains. BUT this success may not look like
the success we've dreamed of. It may not happen in the time frame that we've
hoped for. But your success, according to the will of God, is a promise from
God, Himself.
But there's one more thing that we have to note. The lesson
isn't complete without it. In the following paragraph, the Bible records this
event next:
"His speech persuaded them. They called the apostles in and
had them flogged...and let them go."
Let your eyes fall upon that word "Flogged" again.
It's true, that God's servants will see success in the works He had given them
to do, but that doesn't mean we won't be flogged. The next time you feel like
you're being beaten for your work, or maybe by it, remember
that flogging may be a part of His plan, not to tear you apart but to
build you up for the work He has for you.
~To read the Biblical passages in context: Acts 5:12-42~
What is your idea of writing success?
Being raise in a small Tennessee town, A.M.
Heath grew up with a love for southern history and nostalgia.
She lives in
Southern Tennessee with her husband and four children where they embrace the
small town lifestyle.
A.M. Heath debuted her writing career with the Civil War
novel, Where Can I Flee, in 2014. Fans are eagerly awaiting the follow
up sequel, In the Shadow of Thy Wings, due out in fall of 2015. The
series follows a real Confederate regiment from Middle Tennessee while also
weaving God's truth into the fabric of the novel.
You can connect with A.M. Heath online on Facebook, her weekly blog, Goodreads,
and her website. Where
Can I Flee is currently for sale on Amazon.

Frank Harper is a young man full of dreams and ambitions. Even when the country is split and war breaks out, Frank will do whatever is necessary to see his dreams come true, even when that means putting on a uniform and leaving home.
For the first time, Claire Harper is forced to consider the reasons behind such a conflict. Should slavery be abolished? Which side should she be on, and what does God have to say about this? Claire is torn between her own opinions and those of her family. The struggle within her only increases when she repeatedly runs into a kind and handsome Union soldier. She longs to see her brother turn to Christ before it is too late. Desperate to reach her brother with the gospel, Claire pens a series of inspiring letters. Will she be able to handle all the obstacles of war and continue to be a witness to those around her?
How long can Claire last when her heart is torn in half and she is burdened for her brother's soul? How long can Frank resist his sister's urgent pleas or the gentle tugging from within? Can a man outrun a holy God?