Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Launch Teams, Part Two by Amber Schamel

Author Amber Schamel is back to provide more wonderful advice about book launch teams. If you missed Part One, be sure to check it out here. -- Sandy

Amber: Hello everyone! Amber Schamel here again and I'm so happy to be back on Seriously Write with you today to share more about the incredible marketing asset of Launch Teams. If you missed the first post on October 9, be sure to check it out. I got some really good questions from you and I'm  going to answer as many of those as I can.

How do you communicate with a Launch Team?
You can set up your Launch Team as a facebook group, email loop, yahoo group, or many other methods, but I've found that the Facebook Group works best. From there you can list events, blog appearances, answer questions, and talk to your team.

What's in it for them?
In order to entice people to be a part of your launch team and to keep them engaged, it's a good idea to offer something special to your team members. This would usually be a free copy of your book (so they can read, rant and review) and can also include things like a drawing for a gift card or basket, a little something that relates to your book/genre, something you handmade (if you're crafty) etc.  It's also good to mention that they will get exclusive access to the author and behind the scenes tidbits. You can share these tidbits, etc in your group. Be creative, experiment a little, and find what works best for you and your budget.

How long do you keep your launch team?
That's really up to you. You could give them a range of dates for the launch, or you can keep them indefinitely. With my team, I told them that most of the action would be during these certain months, then when my next book comes out, I'll give them the option to leave, or stay on board.

Keeping your launch team engaged.
Just like with any team, you'll have your superstars, then you'll have those that aren't engaged. Probably only 20% of the team will be actively engaged. With that said, there are some important elements towards holding your team's attention and giving them an enjoyable experience.

1) Be the leader. They are looking to you for instructions on what they should do, how, when etc. Initiate conversation with those on your team. Ask them questions about themselves, their likes. Lead them in a prayer at  the beginning of every week.

2) Give the group a team feel. Some ideas for this would be to allow everyone to introduce themselves, and then ask them all a question every week that they can discuss and answer. I also think it's a great idea to post prayer requests not just for you, but also for your team. Another thing I did was make a special button for their website/profile that identifies them with us. It's kinda like a cyber-jersey. :)

3) Give them simple, step by step instructions. For example: Today we have a blog interview! Please stop by and leave a comment for my host, and share with your friends.

I hope you've enjoyed this series on Launch Teams. Are there any questions I've missed answering?


Amber Schamel was born in Littleton, CO and has traveled extensively throughout the United States, Europe, and the Holy Land. She was raised in a family of 11 children, homeschooled through her education and currently works with their 10 family businesses as bookkeeper and marketing director. She volunteers half of the summer helping and ministering to young girls and Christian families. Amber loves history, culture, reading and music. She has a musical ministry and travels throughout the United States ministering thru song. During her spare time she enjoys crafting Christ-honoring stories that will inspire and encourage her readers. Amber currently lives with her family outside of Colorado Springs, CO.