Friday, September 6, 2013

My Journey to Publication by Diana Wallis Taylor

Diana Wallis Taylor
Writers who are yearning to get published may wonder if there's ever a time to give up. It’s understandable that we might feel a little defeated some days, especially when life steps in with even more hurdles to get over. Author Diana Wallis Taylor is here today with encouraging words for all of us. ~ Dawn

My Journey to Publication

As most people do, there are times when I look back and review the course my life has taken.

From the age of 12, I wanted to be a writer. My aunt sent one of my poems to her church newspaper and they not only published it, but sent me a check for a dollar and a half. Now that may not get you much these days, but for a 12-year-old back then, it was a wondrous thing. Someone actually paid me for something I wrote.  I continued to write poetry, joined Quill and Scroll in high school and eventually wrote articles and a short story or two. 

Due to a difficult first marriage, three beautiful children, the pain of divorce and seeking direction for my life, there seemed little time to write. I was more concerned with making ends meet and putting food on the table.  Along the way, in my need, I also met Christ and learned that all I went through could be redeemed.

Through the years, the great novel eluded me but God continued to mold His clay vessel. I gathered experience, good and bad, and grew in my knowledge of the Savior. Then, one day a woman stepped off the pages of the Scriptures into my heart. It was the Samaritan woman in the Gospel of John who met Jesus at the well. By then I knew her story, for in many ways I had been there. With perseverance and a few chapters in hand, I tackled editors at conferences, only to find that no one was taking Biblical Fiction. It took God’s surprising leading and grace to call an agent cold turkey across the country that not only liked my story, but signed me to a contract. While she worked hard, the doors were still closed on Biblical Fiction. 

Resigned, I ended up self-publishing the book since I was on a speaking circuit. Then one day, there was a call from my agent and the book was picked up by Revell. Three more books followed, then a book with Whitaker House, and three more books with other publishers. My agent, Joyce Hart, who took a chance on an inexperienced writer but believed in me, has also been my friend for over 12 years and I’m still writing.

“Journey to the Well”, the Woman of Samaria, was published when I was 71 years old. I’m still writing and the last six years have been unbelievable. If there is anything I can say to someone still dreaming, still feeling like there is a book on their heart that needs to be written, then it is—keep writing. Don’t let age or obstacles discourage you. God’s timing is always perfect. Put your dream on the altar and let God give it back to you.


For years, the great novel eluded Diana Wallis Taylor, but God continued to mold His clay vessel. Click to tweet.

It took God’s leading and grace for author Diana Wallis Taylor to call an agent cold turkey. Click to tweet.

Don’t let age or obstacles discourage you. God’s timing is always perfect. Click to tweet.

In a time of turmoil, one woman will search for love and peace—and find it where she never expected.

Tugged this way and that by fate’s indifferent hand, Claudia’s life is adrift—until she meets Lucius Pontius Pilate and becomes his wife. When they move to the troublesome territory of Judea, she does what she has always done: makes the best of it. But unrest is brewing and Claudia will soon find herself and her beloved husband embroiled in controversy and rebellion. Might she find hope in the mysterious Jewish Rabbi everyone seems to be talking about?

Diana Wallis Taylor, an award winning author, has completed her fifth book of Biblical Fiction.  She has written three other books of fiction and a book of poetry. Along with her books, her writing has appeared in various compilation books and magazines. Diana recently completed an Easter cantata, “Glorious”, with her fellow collaborator, Carolyn Prentice, who did the music. Diana lives with her husband Frank in San Diego, California where she serves on the Board of the San Diego Christian Writer’s Guild. She enjoys speaking and sharing her heart with women of all ages.

To learn more, please visit Diana’s website: