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James L. Rubart |
Hey, writers! Annette here. Have you ever read an author's novels and wondered if their technique is similar to yours? Even if they don't write in your genre, you might wonder about their method, especially if their finished product impresses you.
I've recently finished reading James Rubart's latest book, Memory's Door, which is the second in his "Well Spring" series (following Soul's Gate). I enjoy his books and find myself wondering about his method while I read. And, quite honestly, I've used this same technique over the years (though my current method has morphed over time). Read on to learn how he pens his novels, and see if you can relate.
What it’s Like When You Have Author ADD
James L. Rubart
Are you a plotter or a seat-of-the-pants writer (a “pantster”)?
Me? I think I’ve taken the pants, ripped them to shreds, and
tossed them in the air like confetti with no idea where the pieces will land.
Why? Here’s how I write my novels:
2. Start writing. Anything that pops into my mind is fine.
3. Shift direction like a cheetah chasing a gazelle. If a new idea appears in the middle of writing a description or smattering of dialogue, drop said scene and start writing the new scene.
4. Repeat step three over and over again.
That can be a Problem
I never finish a scene or a snatch of dialogue or a description because I can’t focus on it long enough to get it finished. So I end up with bits and pieces of unfinished prose strewn all over my Word document in no chronological order, no coherent thread, and I have no idea where the novel is headed.
I write by simply watching the movie playing in my head and transcribe the visuals. The problem is, my movies cut from one unfinished scene to the next without warning.
Bringing Order to the Chaos
When I reached 60,000 words in my third novel, The Chair, I hit a wall. Why? I had no idea what the story was about. I had my premise, but I didn’t know my theme, the heart of the story.
So I stopped. I grabbed a handful of 3 x 5 note cards and wrote a headline describing each scene (or start of a scene) and pasted them to the wall of my writing room. Then I arranged and rearranged the cards till they started making sense. I tore up cards, rewrote them, and added additional cards as more scenes came to mind.
Finally I moved all the scenes around in my laptop till they matched the cards on my wall. (I have serious doubts I’d be published if I lived in the age of typewriters.)
It’s the way I’ve written all my novels.
What you Already Know but is Worth Repeating
Part of me wishes I could start from the beginning of a story and write straight through. Or outline the whole thing before I start. But that’s not me. It’s not the way I’m wired, and it would stifle my creativity. I’ve given myself permission to have ADD when I write.
And I’d encourage you to give yourself permission to write how you write. Whatever method that is, it’s okay. Plotters can be passionate about the pros of outlining. Pantsters often believe writing off the cuff will bring surprises you can’t get any other way. Both are right and neither are right.
Allow yourself to be you.
And if you don’t mind, could you hand me another stack of 3 x 5 cards?
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Memory's Door |
The prophecy brought them together. But the Wolf has risen, and now their greatest battle begins.
The four members of Warriors Riding have learned to wage war in the supernatural, to send their spirits inside people’s souls, to battle demonic forces, and to bring deep healing to those around them.
But their leader Reece is struggling with the loss of his sight. Brandon is being stalked at his concerts by a man in the shadows. Dana’s career is threatening to bury her. And Marcus questions his sanity as he seems to be slipping in and out of alternate realities.
And now the second part of the prophecy has come true. The Wolf is hunting them and has set his trap. He circles, feeding on his supernatural hate of all they stand for. And he won’t stop until he brings utter destruction to their bodies . . . and their souls.
James L. Rubart is the best-selling, Christy award winning author of five novels, including his latest release, Memory’s Door, the second book in his acclaimed Well Spring series. During the day he runs Barefoot Marketing which helps authors make more coin of the realm. He lives with his amazing wife and two sons in the Pacific Northwest and loves to dirt bike, hike, golf, takes photos, and still thinks he’s young enough to water ski like a madman. More at www.jameslrubart.com
Visit James at:
Website: http://jameslrubart.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JamesLRubart
Twitter: https://twitter.com/jameslrubart