While Bonnie Calhoun is an author, she's also publisher of an online magazine aimed at helping writers. I asked Bonnie to share how the Christian Fiction Online Magazine could aid a writer's marketing plan. -- Sandy
Bonnie -- The title of this post is the question prominently displayed on our Christian Fiction
Online Magazine monthly newsletter. Now what advantage does that give to
authors who do columns or advertise in our magazine? Statistics are pretty dry
reading, but I hope this information adds a certain level of excitement for
anyone wanting to use us as part of their marketing strategy.
The email blast announcing our new issue goes out once a
month to more than 15 thousand email subscribers which includes 64 book clubs, over
500 Christian book stores, and 747 library systems. And we average 27 thousand
to 35 thousand individual magazine readers each month.
We draw returning readers with an easy to navigate and read
website that archives our monthly issues since our inauguration in July of
2008, a great mix of devotions, interviews, book and movie reviews, recipes,
insight into authors lives and how they go about writing, and listings of new
books on the market that we target with blog tours through our parent
organization Christian
Fiction Blog Alliance.
The visible coverage for our average blog tour, including
coverage on the magazine home page, a layout on the CFBA blog tour page in the
magazine, blog tour book listings in the left sidebar of the monthly
newsletter, and then the combined effort among our mix of influencers and
reviewers, and the CFBA
Blog puts an individual book in front of 30k to 40k viewers.
We are steadily increasing our readership and earlier this
year we passed our MILLIONTH reader mark! Praise the Lord.

What are you doing to increase your market share?
Bonnie S. Calhoun is publisher
of Christian Fiction Online Magazine, Northeast Zone Director for ACFW,Mentor of
the Year,’ President of Christian Authors Network. Her latest novel Pieces of The Heart in Abingdon’s Quilts
of Love series released in June. Her website is: http://bonniescalhoun.com
Find her on
Facebook at: https://www.facebook.com/bscalhoun or