Tuesday, June 19, 2012

If You’re Going To Succeed As A Writer, You Must Beat Resistance and Write Like Crazy by Caleb Jennings Breakey

When I first saw Caleb Jennings Breakey at the Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference, I was struck by his enthusiasm and his joy. God's love shone like a beacon through his huge smile and I really wanted to attend his workshop. But, there were so many choices, I went to a genre-specific class (also very good) instead. Last week, I was delighted to find a video of one of his talks and asked him to post for us. I know you'll enjoy this encouraging call to write. ~ Angie

You've waited all day for this. You can't believe it's finally here. You sit down, fire up Word or Scrivener, and . . .

Blink, blink, blink.

Nothing comes. So you check your email. Facebook. The weather.

This is our nemesis. Its name is Resistance. And if you're going to succeed as a writer, you need to learn how to beat it.

First, consider reading the man who first identified Resistance: Stephen Pressfield, author ofThe War of ArtDo the Work, and Turning Pro. Pressfield doesn’t always sound good to Christian ears, but his writing wisdom is spot-on.

If you'd rather just get a quick glimpse of Resistance and how to beat it, check out the video below and be encouraged. We're all in this together.

What do you do to beat resistance? 

Caleb’s Bio

There's a voice in your head that loves to whisper, "You're not special. You're average. You're nobody. So conform. Get back in line. Be like everyone else."

I'm Caleb, author of Following Jesus without Leaving the Church (Fall 2013), and I believe God made me to help you conquer that voice— especially in your spiritual life.

If you're lookin’ for someone to talk with about God, email me: calebbreakey@gmail.com. If you're a fellow Brother or Sister just checkin' out this page, please pray for me. If you're in the ministry and want to talk about an upcoming event, call me: 360-223-1877. All I request is a fun chat with at least one knock-knock joke—no speaker's fee required.

Connect with Caleb