Hi Readers, welcome to another grammar day here on Seriously Write. Today, I’ve decided to try Ocieanna’s and Dawn’s method and test our grammar skills with sentences. You’ll find mistakes in the following four paragraphs. Then, you’ll find the correct versions below. Try not to peek at the answers until you’re through the test. Enjoy!
I cannot wait until we have spring like weather here. We’ve had rain, rain and more rain. The grass is growing like crazy, even without sun shine.
Warmer days full of sonshine will draw out the neighbors. People taking walks, doing yardwork catching up on house related up keep.
Sunshine offers Vitamin D. Sometimes I wonder about the defficiencies which come from living in a cloudy rainy place.
Our tempratures have also dropped here, lately. My husband remarketed yesterday that it feels like Febuary. Face book friends mention summer whether; while we’ve regressed to Winter. Is that fare?
I cannot wait until we have spring-like weather here. We’ve had rain, rain, and more rain. The grass is growing like crazy, even without sunshine.
Warmer days full of sunshine will draw out the neighbors. People taking walks, doing yard work, catching up on house-related upkeep.
Sunshine offers vitamin D. Sometimes I wonder about the deficiencies that come from living in a cloudy, rainy place.
Our temperatures have also dropped here lately. My husband remarked yesterday that it feels like February. Facebook friends mention summer weather, while we’ve regressed to winter. Is that fair?
I use CMOS as my main reference tool. As with any editor, I’m imperfect. This exercise is just for fun. How’d you do?