Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Virtues of March: Self-Control

Virtues of March: Self-Control
Author's Character Series
Net's Notation Tuesdays

One of the greatest truths I’ve ever learned as a Christian is that God helps us live for God. I spent a lot of my young life striving to live for God and failing miserably. I didn’t know I could ask for His help. I wanted to prove myself to Him, to show my love for Him, but no one can live for God without God’s help.

Grace. When we ask God for help to live a godly life, He gives us grace. And the Holy Spirit enables us to live for Him. He enables us to defy our natural tendencies toward sin.

How does self-control relate with writing? One word: Discipline.

BIC – behind in chair. If you’re going to consistently log word counts, you have to sit at your computer and type. Kind of obvious, but this principal requires discipline to carry it out.

Goals—set word count goals, and submission goals (i.e. for queries and articles, etc.)

Planning—prayerfully decide where you’re going and what steps are needed to get there, then discipline yourself to achieve your goals.

No excuses!

Part of self-control is not letting yourself “off the hook” from your commitments, your goals and/or your plans. Perseverance is required to push through all the obstacles.

Would you say your level of self-discipline is strong? If not, or if you feel it could be stronger, ask God for His grace. Then, listen. He’ll give directions which we must follow if we’re going to succeed. Those directives will likely go against our natural tendencies, but if we obey, we’ll see results.

The more you practice self-control, the more you’ll succeed, and like a competitor in a race, you’ll see the fruit of your training pay off with success.

Self-control/discipline is a sign of a mature author’s character.