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Time for Pumpkin Spice Latte! |
Autumn is Here
The calendar says that autumn began Saturday, September 22nd, but the leaves won’t change until November in my neck-of-the-woods. Here we have two seasons, Unbearably-Hot-and-Muggy followed by Cold-and-Rainy. Our autumn separates the two for about week-and-a-half. But it’s my favorite season, I've already indulged in one of my favorite drinks: pumpkin spice latte or PSL. I love the color with its pumpkin orange and autumn leaf brown swirls in that creamy goodness. But I think the spicy clove-cinnamon-ginger-nutmeg blend tastes like autumn-in-a-cup.But PSL is understandably a byword for overindulgence to some, especially with all the new and ridiculous pumpkin-spice products that come out each year. There are sweet things of course, like pumpkin-spice cookies and shakes, but can you imagine pumpkin spice kale chips, pumpkin spice pretzels, or even pumpkin spice salsa?
Too much of anything, even something wonderful, is sickening. As much as I love this recipe for PSL, I only buy one can of pumpkin. When the can is empty, there are no more seasonal coffees in this house.
Too Much is Too Much
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Laundry, laundry, laundry |
It was as great as that first sip of PSL.
When you returned home, you were exhausted. Thoughts of how to update your website, create tweets and memes, ask engaging questions on your blog posts, plus all the ways you could fix your novel filled your head until it hurt. The list was as enormous as the stack of laundry that somehow doubled in size while you were gone.
Where do you begin?
Some teachings are full of sweet PSL-ness and while others go down like pumpkin-spice kale. How do you decide which advice to take? Here are a few tips I use:- Create a list of Action items from the handouts and your notes, then prioritize.
- Is it more important to update your website or should you finish editing your book and in the proposal that agent requested?
- If you’ve finished your final edits and you have 27 followers on Facebook, it’s probably time to start making memes.
Beat the Doubts Before They Begin
I have the habit of attention to such excess, that my senses get no rest - but suffer from a constant strain. Henry David Thoreau**
What did Thoreau mean? His mind is under a constant strain from worry and you may be, too. There's always a “honeymoon” period when you get home. Ideas for your book come free and easy. You'll find time for social media. You may even start making those changes to your website or crafting that proposal.
But, around the time I put the last spoonful of pumpkin in my coffee, you’ve probably begun to fall back into your comfortable habits. Worse yet, doubts creep into your mind. “Who do I think I am? I can't do this.”
Stop worry. Squash those doubts. Keep going.

Nothing stifles creativity faster than guilt.
Here’re a few tricks that help me when I'm doubting:
- Create a schedule and try to stick to it. Are you a morning person? Try to find a time to write in the morning. Night owl? Stay up a little later to get a few words in.
- When you're fast-drafting, words are words, don't worry so much about quality until re-writes.
- Find a writing friend or two and encourage each other.
- When you get an encouraging note, email, or message, put it in a special folder so you can re-read it when "the doubts" come.
- If you see something online that encourages you, share it on your favorite social media. Then, take ten minutes a day to like or comment on your followers’ posts. If you try to encourage someone else every day, you'll be encouraged.
- When Christmas or a family emergency interrupt, take the time you need to be with your family. Nothing stifles creativity faster than guilt.
- Write down the reasons you fell in love with writing.
Click to Tweet: Writers, when you’re discouraged, try to remember why you fell in love with writing. @aearndt #amwriting
Click to Tweet: How is a writers conference like pumpkin spice latte? Angela Arndt shares the comparison on #SeriouslyWrite. @aearndt #amwriting
What’s the best tip you ever got from a writers conference?
I've got to ask: how do you feel about pumpkin spice lattes? If you hate them, what's your favorite Autumn tradition? Leave a comment below. I'd love to hear from you.
About the Author
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Angela Arndt |
She and her husband, Charles, live on a bee farm in the middle of a big wood with their three dogs, Beau, Harley, Buddy the Wonder Dog, and their new kitten, Poppet.
She's also team-member of Seriously Write. Click here for more posts by Angie. By the way, she'd love for you to join her on her website, Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook.
* TwainQuotes